




1.M16来福步枪 ... Top Sniper 2《 顶尖狙击手2》 High Impact:M16《 致命打击: M16来福步枪》 Fire Weapons《 火 …


1.He was dressed in miptary uniform and was holding a machine gun, an M16 assault rifle, and a pistol.他身着军装,手持一挺机枪,一支M16自动步枪和一把手枪。

2.There I am, walking past the guard gate and the guard stops and says, "Pasaporte, pasaporte, " and with an M16 pointed at me.我就那样走到岗哨门前,看守的警卫拦住了我说:“护照,护照,”并且用一把M16步枪对着我。

3.Each one is pke a sun with a retinue of planets orbiting around it, and we can see places where stars are forming, pke the Eagle Nebula.每一颗恒星都像太阳,伴有若干行星环绕。我们可以看到恒星形成的区域像天鹰星云(M16)。

4.The soldiers reportedly fired hundreds of rounds from their M16 automatic rifles over the heads of the demonstrators.据报道,士兵曾用M16自动步枪在示威者头顶上空发射了数百发子弹。

5.And although the dazzlers can be hazardous when misused, they're not nearly as dangerous as a M-16.而且尽管眩目器使用不当可能危险,但它们可比不上M16危险。

6.We carried M-16 rifles and ammunition with us everywhere we went because we never had any idea when we would be attacked or how.无论走到那里,我们身上必须挎着M16自动步枪和各种弹药,因为我们对什么时候会受到怎样的袭击心里根本没底。

7.Lock plates are required to be installed in M16 and M16A1 rifles to prevent automatic fire during civil disturbances.m16和m16a1被要求装上锁定钢板以防止在城区内部署时被调成自动射击模式。

8.The Building was surrounded by a fence topped with concertina wire, and at the gate post, four soldiers stood with their M16s at the ready.建筑被高高的铁丝网围墙围绕着,门柱边,四个大兵手持着M16步枪时刻警戒着。

9.A M16 assault rifle can fire a bullet 100m in just over a 10th of a second.在略多于十分之一秒的时间内,M16突击步枪射出的子弹可以飞100米远。

10.For the normal rifles, I could not see any difference between M16, M4 or sniper rifles.对于普通步枪来说我看不出M16和M4有任何区别。