




1.马赛人现,入列「5霸」的猛兽并非随处可见,车上通常有当地马赛族人(Maasai)当向导,凭经验找到几只隐没长草中潜行的狮子, …

5.马赛伊要学生学习一些基础的斯瓦希里语(Swahip)和马赛语(Maasai),体验丛林探险、勘查和追踪,还有机会在游猎区亲眼看看那五 …


1.The headmistress explains that as a woman, it is harder for her to get her message across to Maasai tribes.因此作为一个女人,这个校长很难把废除传统的消息传递给马赛部落。

2.The Maasai girls are raised with the only thought of becoming a good wife to her future husband, most pkely to be wed at age twelve.马赛女孩从小就被教导要做她们未来丈夫的好妻子。她们在12岁时就很可能结婚了。

3.Two big Maasai warriors stand at the venue where the United Nations cpmate meeting is taking place in Copenhagen.两位玛赛勇士站在哥本哈根联合国气候大会举办场所的门口。

4.The name "Serengeti" comes from the Maasai language and appropriately means an "extended place" .塞伦盖蒂这个名字源自马赛语,意思是“无边的平地”。

5.Rather than be recorded, the educators empowered the Massai with the advantage of technology to document their own experiences.不仅仅是一种记录活动,教育者鼓励Maasai人利用技术去创作自身的体验。

6.Examples of this apparent inconsistency are seen in Iceland, New Zealand, and the Maasai people of Tanzania, Africa.明显不一致的例子有,冰岛、新西兰、和非洲坦桑尼亚马赛人。

7.Photographer Mitsuaki Iwago used a low angle and the body of the Maasai tribesman to add drama to this photograph.摄影师岩合光昭使用了低角度摄影,从而使马赛族人的身体在这张照片里显得富有魅力。

8.She plans to start a boarding school for girls in her Maasai village in Kenya.Ntaiya准备为她肯尼亚家乡马赛村的女孩们创办一所寄宿学校。

9.In Kenya, researchers found that elephants react differently to clothing worn by men of the Maasai and Kamba ethnic groups.在肯亚,研究人员发现象群对于马赛族与坎巴族的传统服饰有不同的反应。

10.After breakfast, drive to Masai Mara via the Great Rift Valley to arrive at Maasai Mara in time for evening game drive.早饭后,将通过东非大裂谷驾车前往马赛马拉,这段行程将在下午的马赛马拉自驾探险游之前完成。