


美式发音: [meɪs] 英式发音: [meɪs]







1.[c]权杖a decorative stick, carried as a sign of authority by an official such as a mayor

2.[c]狼牙棒(古代兵器)a large heavy stick that has a head with metal points on it, used in the past as a weapon

3.[u]肉豆蔻干皮,肉豆蔻种衣(烹调香料)the dried outer covering of nutmegs (= the hard nuts of a tropical tree), used in cooking as a spice

n.1.(作为市长,大学校长等职权表征的)权标,权杖;(英国下院议长的)职杖;执权标者2.豆蔻香料;肉豆蔻(树)3.钉头槌4.【台】(从前用来击 bagatelle 球的)平头杆5.梅斯毒气1.(作为市长,大学校长等职权表征的)权标,权杖;(英国下院议长的)职杖;执权标者2.豆蔻香料;肉豆蔻(树)3.钉头槌4.【台】(从前用来击 bagatelle 球的)平头杆5.梅斯毒气


n.1.the crushed shell of nutmeg, used for adding flavor to food. Mace is a spice.2.a decorated stick carried by an official on special occasions; a weapon used in the Middle Ages consisting of a stick with a round top part covered with sharp points

na.1.a substance that you spray in the face of someone who is attacking you in order to make their skin and eyes sting

1.权杖 Macuahuitl 双刃刀 Mace 权杖 Meteor hammer 流星锤 ...

2.钉头锤 clove 丁香 mace 肉豆蔻 mustard seeds 芥菜籽 ...

4.梅斯 弗莱尔 Flail 钉锤 Mace 流星锤 MorningStar ...

6.肉豆蔻衣 NUT MEG 肉豆蔻 MACE 肉豆蔻衣 L。G ASOFOTIDA 阿魏胶 ...


1.When Mace went to parley with these dissidents, he found himself in the jaws of a trap -- the meeting was a set-up.当温杜前去与这些退团者谈判时,他发现这次会议是一个精心策划的圈套。

2.One of her first assignments was disrupting a meeting between Jedi Master Mace Windu and a group of dissident Jedi.她被首批分派的任务中的一个是破坏绝地大师梅斯·温杜和一群政见不同的绝地的会面。

3.Other than Mace Windu, they followed a clone commander that had armor similar to that of a clone paratrooper.除了梅斯•温杜之外,他们也听命于一名盔甲类似于克隆人伞兵的一位克隆人长官。

4.When a rational woman wakes up to find a man practically on top of her, their first instinct would be to reach for the mace.一名理性的妇女如果醒来时发现有个男人几乎骑在她身上时,她的第一本能反应应该是伸手去找防身的狼牙棒。

5.He was one of a group of Jedi Masters gathered together by Mace Windu to arrest Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.梅斯·温杜率领几名绝地大师前去逮捕最高议长帕尔帕廷时,他也是其中之一。

6.The shaft of the ceremonial mace is the whorled tusk of a narwhal, a small Arctic whale. The door handles are of walrus tusk.仪式权杖的螺纹杆是用一种小型的北极独角鲸的牙齿制成的,而门柄也是用海象的牙齿制成。

7.The spear, mace, and axe were relatively easy to manufacture and use, but somewhat cumbersome in actual hand-to-hand combat.长矛、榔头、斧子相对来说比较容易大量的制作和使用。但是,在近身肉搏的时候可能有些笨拙。

8.The skinny one brandished his mace and tossed his head, while the older fellow drew two foot-long swords from his sash.那瘦子一摆链子枪,头一撇,那老者从腰间取出两柄尺来长的短剑。

9.Palpatine cried out for help, calpng Mace a traitor, and explaining how the Jedi had engineered a coup to topple the Repubpc's leadership.帕尔帕廷高声求救,声称温杜是叛徒,而绝地要密谋推翻共和国的领袖。

10.It was obvious that Mace recognized instantly the top item -one of the brokerage transaction spps .显然,梅斯立即认出了放在最上面的那张--一份经纪人交易单据。