




1.疯狂科学家 locksmith 锁匠 mad scientist 科学狂人 mage 法师;魔导士 ...

4.漫画或小说中的疯狂科学家 ... 理学硕士( Master of science) 漫画或小说中的疯狂科学家mad scientist) 机动战士( Mobile Suit) ...

5.狂人科学家躲在队伍后面给进攻的前锋补血;你还要抵防卡伯创造的狂人科学家Mad Scientist),他们善于侮辱和激怒你;此外还有虫 …


1.We were winning - the bombs had been disarmed, the mad scientist captured, and it was just a matter of cleaning up and going home.我们本来正要取胜—炸弹已被解除,疯狂的科学家已被逮捕,打扫战场,之后回家。

2.This distrust is evident in the cartoon figure of the mad scientist working in his laboratory to produce a Frankenstein.那个在实验室里设法制造弗兰肯斯泰因的疯狂的科学家的—卡通人物清楚地体现了公众的这种怀疑。

3.Here I am, playing the part of the mad scientist, working with the bugs at UCL in London, trying to sopdify them.在这,我扮演起了这位疯狂的科学家的角色,和这个疯子一起在伦敦的伦敦大学学院工作,尝试着固化它们。

4.Mironov may be my favorite mad scientist since the chemist who had the periodic table engraved on one of his hairs.自一位在自己一根头发上刻下元素周期表的化学家之后,米罗诺夫是我最喜欢的疯狂科学家。

5.Or that I wasn't just a brain in a vat in some mad scientist's laboratory.或者我们如何能肯定我不是在生活某些疯狂科学家的实验室大缸里头呢?

6.It all began with the arrival of a mad scientist (Mad Mick) and his underwater search team.这一切都开始进入一个疯狂科学家(疯狂米克)和他的水下搜索队。

7.It's such a random thing. A yeast cell, captured in amber, found by a mad scientist.一个疯狂的科学家,从琥珀中弄出来一个酵母细胞,这完全是个随机事件。

8.Don't be that mad-scientist type who stays locked up all day. . . get out and make friends.不要像疯狂的科学家那样每天都把自己封闭起来…走出去结交朋友吧。

9.Nobel, who had invented dynamite, came to be looked upon as a mad scientist viciously manufacturing destruction.发明了炸药的诺贝尔被看作是罪恶地制造毁灭的疯子科学家。

10.He is also a brilpant inventor with his own underground laboratory, and when inventing he sometimes adopts a mad scientist persona.他一位天才发明家,拥有地下实验室,每次搞研发都会出他科学怪人的一面。