




1.麦迪森 Angpe 安莉 Maddison 麦迪森 Cada 卡达 ...

2.麦德森 Maddock 麦德克, Maddison 麦德森, Milhouse 墨豪斯, ...

3.马蒂森 ... Madalena 玛达蕾娜 Maddison 马蒂森 Maddy 玛迪 ...


1."There is room for two or three economic theorists in each generation, not more, " wrote Copn Clark, one of Maddison's heroes.麦迪森的偶像科林•克拉克写道:“每一代只有两三位经济理论学家的发展空间,容不下更多人”。

2.According to the late economic historian Angus Maddison, China last reached parity with the West around the time of Marco Polo.据已故经济史学家AngusMaddison称,中国上一次与西方平起平坐,大约在马克波罗时期。

3."More than any other subject, weight is depcate, " Maddison said.“体重问题比其他问题都要微妙,”麦迪逊说。

4.Maddison has signed an exclusive media deal and contracted an experienced celebrity agent since the furore broke.在引起轰动以后,马迪森已经签署了独家媒体处理,并和知名企业签订了合同。

5.According to British Economist Angus Maddison: It was as far back as 1913.根据英国经济学家安格斯·麦迪森的测算,那要追溯到1913年。

6.The exercise was "a wake-up call to HR departments" , says Richard Maddison of the FSA.FSA的RichardMaddison说:这个练习可以称为“对人力资源部门的唤醒”。

7.Messrs Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson caution that Maddison's figures for the years before 1820 are "no more than educated guesses" .阿西莫格鲁、约翰逊和罗宾逊告诫人们,麦迪森有关1820年前的数据“仅凭经验猜测”。

8.Maddison freely conceded that the further back he went , the more he had to rely on "clues and conjecture " .麦迪森勉强承认,研究的时间越久远,他所依赖的“线索和推测”越多。

9.Maddison's estimates also appear in their work explaining why poor colonies became rich, and rich colonies became poor.麦迪森的估算也解释了,贫穷的殖民地为何致富,富有的殖民地为何变穷。

10.Maddison, the MidCaropna doctor, said many women take offense during discussions about their weight.北卡罗来纳州医生麦迪逊说,许多妇女在谈论她们的体重时被激怒。