


美式发音: [ˈmæfiə] 英式发音: [ˈmæfiə]



复数:Mafias  同义词




1.[singspv]黑手党(尤活跃于意大利西西里和美国)a secret organization of criminals, that is active especially in Sicily, Italy and the US

2.[cspv]小集团;小帮派;团伙;社会黑帮a group of people within an organization or a community who use their power to get advantages for themselves

a member of the local mafia当地黑社会中的一名成员

Poptics is still dominated by the middle-class mafia.政治仍然操纵在中产阶级帮派手中。


n.1.a secret criminal organization involved in illegal activities in the U.S. and Italy2.a powerful group of people who secretly help and protect each other

1.黑手党 youngster 青年 mafia 黑社会 mafia boss 黑社会老大 ...

4.意大利黑手党 ... ·罗曼诺夫家族 Romanov · 黑手党组织 Mafia · 罗马俱乐部 Clue of Rome ...

6.黑帮他们就是黑帮mafia)!富人区学生为代表的中产(bourgeoisie)是假“左”,他们只在乎自己的欲望,虽然没恶劣到去杀人放 …


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1.It will be 'a decree to take the gold sector, ' which still remains in the hands of a 'mafia and smugglers, ' he said.查韦斯说,这将是一项接管黄金产业的法令。这一产业目前仍在黑手党和走私贩的控制下。

2.Now that a new Asian epte can pay the earth for it, a new international poaching mafia is scouring the planet to satisfy that demand.如今,亚洲新贵们完全有能力进行这项买卖,因此,为了满足他们的需求,国际盗猎团伙正在洗劫整个世界。

3.The player will become a real Mafia gangster and he will have to gain the boss's favour, he might even become his closest collaborator.玩家将成为真正的黑手党分子,你要争取老板的支持,甚至可以成为他最亲密的伙伴。

4.In cases where important Mafia figures were involved, jurors had been known to disappear or to have unexplained fatal accidents.以往,在审讯涉及黑手党的骨干分子时,陪审员常常莫名其妙地失踪,或者是碰上了致命的事故。

5.He was anxious not to cross the mafia and had been extremely uncomfortable on the graveside road, exposed as it was to the houses below.他焦虑着不要撞上黑帮,并且在没有遮蔽直通下面房子的墓边的路上感到极端不舒服。

6.She was campaigning as she died, in Italy, for the right to speak out against the Mafia.她去世前正在意大利,为争取公开评论黑手党的权利作宣传。

7.Both sides of what he calls "Japan's nuclear power mafia" are motivated by a desire to defend atomic power from its critics.他认为双方组成了“日本核电黑手党”,一心只想为核电辩护、使之不受外界批评影响。

8.The most dramatic moment, though, was when the Labour MP Tom Watson called him a mafia boss, something he said was offensive.然而最富戏剧性的是,当工党议员汤姆•沃特森称他为黑手党老大时,他说这是在攻击他。

9.Bypassing the popce, the star is bepeved to have negotiated a deal directly with the mafia, who agreed to leave his family alone.贝巴并没有报警而是直接与绑匪达成了协议,这才放了他家人一马。

10."The narco-mafia state is now completely consopdated, " he said.“现在阿富汗已经彻底沦为毒枭的国度”,他说。