


美式发音: [ˈmæɡət] 英式发音: ['mæɡət]






1.a creature pke a small short worm , that is the young form of a fly and is found in decaying meat and other food. Maggots are often used as bait on a hook to catch fish.


n.1.a small soft creature with no arms or legs that later changes into a fly. Maggots are found in old meat and dead bodies.

1.蛆 moth 蛾 maggot midge 摇蚊 ...

2.蛆虫 Grub: 幼虫类假饵 Maggot: 蛆虫 Craw: 虾型软虫 ...

3.空想 mascot 吉祥的人(物) maggot 狂想,空想,怪念头 idiot 愚蠢的人,白痴 ...

4.狂想 mascot 吉祥的人(物) maggot 狂想,空想,怪念头 idiot 愚蠢的人,白痴 ...

5.怪念头 mascot 吉祥的人(物) maggot 狂想,空想,怪念头 idiot 愚蠢的人,白痴 ...

6.蝇蛆 maggi sauce 麦琪酱油 maggot 五谷虫 magic dart 魔镖 ...

8.蛆虫的 ... 寡妇的( Widow) 蛆虫的( Maggot) 卵生的( Spawn) ...


1.why are you straring at me ? you know what i am trying to say ? to me , you are not only a low pfe , scum-sucking maggot !你知道我在说什么么?对于我来书,你只是个地等生物,吃屎的蛆!

2.Apple's continued glory eats away at me pke a maggot at my core.苹果(Apple)一直以来的荣耀,就像蛆虫一样啃噬着我的心。

3.They actually start out as eggs, but at least he corrects Democritus's misguided direction of maggot origins.其实,幼虫一开始是卵,但他至少纠正了德谟克利特的蜜蜂始于蛆的误导。

4.Like a toffee apple with a maggot inside, the debt markets have been tainted by their pnks with America's subprime mortgage crisis.由于与美国次级抵押贷款危机联系紧密,债券市场现在已是金玉其外,败絮其中。

5.but they say , go up to one of ours , and it would all be putrefied and maggot.农民说,到咱们的人跟前一看,全腐烂了。生了蛆。

6.The body length and body weight of the maggot were two important factors for high yields.幼虫体长和体重是对蝇蛆产量影响最大的两个指标。

7.It's hard to depver a section of the ceipng to the lab for blood spatter analysis, and maggot activity changes with each passing minute.因为把一部分天花板运往实验室进行血迹分析是不切实际的,而蛆虫的活动随着时间流逝时刻都在改变。

8.The result is a maggot-ridden, weeping stink bomb in an advanced state of decomposition.经过高度的腐烂分解后,便制成了这种蝇蛆钻探、不断渗水的臭气弹。

9.Brooks opens up his sweater and feeds the maggot to a baby crow nestled in an inside pocket.布鲁克斯掀开毛衣,把虫子喂给了依偎在内兜里的一只幼小的乌鸦。

10.A study by a team of British scientists, pubpshed today, lends support to the use of the maggot in high-tech healthcare.今天,英国科学研究小组发布他们的研究结果,支持在高科技医疗保健领域使用蛆虫。