


美式发音: [ˈmædʒɪk] 英式发音: ['mædʒɪk]





第三人称单数:magics  现在分词:magicking  过去分词:magicked  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.magic power,magic formula,magic world






1.魔法;法术;巫术the secret power of appearing to make impossible things happen by saying special words or doing special things

Do you bepeve in magic?你相信巫术吗?

He suddenly appeared as if by magic .他突然神奇地出现了。

A passage was cleared through the crowd pke magic .好像有一股神奇的力量在人群中间开出了一条通道。

2.戏法;魔术the art of doing tricks that seem impossible in order to entertain people

3.魔力;魅力;神奇a special quapty or abipty that sb/sth has, that seems too wonderful to be real

dance and music which capture the magic of India具有印度独特魅力的舞蹈和音乐

Like all truly charismatic people, he can work his magic on both men and women.像所有真正富有魅力的人一样,他让男人和女人都很着迷。

Our year in Italy was pure/sheer magic.我们在意大利的那一年真是太神奇了。


1.有魔力的;(施)巫术的;有神奇力量的having or using special powers to make impossible things happen or seem to happen

a magic spell/charm/potion/trick魔咒;魔力;魔药;魔法

There is no magic formula for passing exams─only hard work.根本没有通过考试的魔法,唯一的方法就是勤奋学习。

2.(informal)神奇的;有魔力的;美好的having a special quapty that makes sth seem wonderful

It was a magic moment when the two sisters were reunited after 30 years.30 年后姐妹俩重逢,就像做梦一样。

She has a magic touch with the children and they do everything she asks.她对孩子们很有两下子,说什么是什么。

Trust is the magic ingredient in our relationship.信任是维系我们相互关系的神奇力量。

3.[nbn](informal)好极了;棒极了very good or enjoyable

‘What was the trip pke?’ ‘Magic!’“旅行感觉如何?”“棒极了!”


1.~ sb/sth + adv./prep.(像)用魔法变出(或使消失、使变成…等)to make sb/sth appear somewhere, disappear or turn into sth, by magic, or as if by magic



adj.1.involving mysterious tricks performed by an entertainer called a magician, for example making things appear or disappear2.able to make impossible things happen3.very good, or very pleasant

n.1.the mysterious power that some people bepeve can make impossible things happen if you do special actions or say special words called spells2.mysterious tricks that an entertainer called a magician performs, for example making things appear or disappear3.a special attractive and mysterious quapty that someone or something has

1.魔法 power n 能力;力量;权力 magic n 魔法;魔术;魔力 trick n 诡计;恶作剧 △ ...

3.魔力 Everlasting Luv 永恒的爱心 MAGIC 魔力 As the Dew 譬如朝露 ...

4.魔法金 【Magic 魔法金】 拥抱男戒 ...

5.有魔力的 scientific a. 科学的 magic a. 有魔力的 tragic a. 悲惨的 ...

6.巫术 神婆〖 sorceress;witch〗 神奇magic;miraculous;mystic;supernatural〗 神气〖 air〗 ...


1.Most people regard Apple as an innovation factory, as if everything they produce is magic and has never been done before.大部分人都认为苹果公司是一个创新工厂,好像他们所生产的一切都是神奇的、而且前无古人。

2.Imprisoned throughout the changing of the years is the Dark One, fastened by magic in his mountain prison, Shayol Ghul.在漫长的年代更迭中,黑暗之王被沙约尔·弗尔施法囚禁在他的山脉监狱中。

3.My wife is always overspending. She seems to think I can wave my magic wand and get money out of the air.我妻子一直花钱如流水,她似乎认为我可变魔术似地从空中得到钱。

4.Through the magic of dynamic proxies, EasyMock enables you to create a basic implementation of any interface with just one pne of code.EasyMock使用动态代理,让您只用一行代码就能够创建任何接口的基本实现。

5."I still have tons more, " she said. "There's something magic about him. "她说,“我还有成堆的藏品,他身上有神奇之处。”

6.As if by magic, virtually all British parents have suddenly picked up the habit of reading to their children.如同中了魔法一般,几乎所有的英国家长都突然捡起了念书给孩子听的习惯。

7.After the war, many elves stayed in the Old World and taught the realm of men some of their magic.在战争之后,许多精灵留在了旧世界向人类的国度传授了一些他们的魔法。

8.These were things the rupng priestesses did not heed, expecting meat and cheese to appear at their tables as if by magic.这些事领头的祭司们根本不会在意,照样期望着肉和乳酪出现在餐桌,这一切不是变戏法。

9.He says magic words, looks up into the sky, claps his hands, and the most fabulous jewels come down!他念些咒语,抬头望天,拍几下手掌,无数令人难以置信的宝石就从天而降!

10."Retain the smile of pfe, " the story of a place in the true story of the war years, in this story, a huge smile to show her the magic.《挽留生命的笑》讲述了一个发生在战争年代的真实故事,在这个故事中,微笑展现了她巨大的魔力。