




1.麦格纳马格纳—多纳勒公司(MagnaDonnelly) 玛格纳国际公司(Magna) 马克 IV 工业公司(Mark IV) 梅里殿汽车系统公司(Meridian) 戴 …

5.马格纳国际集团公司司(Decoma) 莉娜玛公司(Linamar) 马格纳国际集团公司(Magna) 特斯玛国际公司(Tesma) 文鹊集团公司(Ventra) 伍德布里奇 …

6.加拿大共计34家,德国约有10家厂商, 其他业者则分布在加拿大Magna)、法国(Faurecia及Valeo)、韩国(MOBIS)、英国(…

7.麦格纳国际公司司(AVL),麦格纳国际公司(MAGNA),曼公司(MAN),德国弗里德里希港ZF公司(ZF)和德国克诺尔集团(KNOWRR BREMSE)等,确保 …


1."No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, or in any other way destroyed, except by the lawful judgment of his peers. " - The Magna Carta.“任何自由人,未经其他自由人之依法判决,皆不得被逮捕,监禁,或加以任何其他损害。”-英国大宪章。

2.A spokesman quoted him as saying Magna and Sberbank would conduct a "legal analysis" of the matter.一位发言人引用他的话说,麦格纳和Sberbank会对该事件进行“法律分析”。

3.Magna alone was prepared to promise that it would keep every Opel factory in Germany open regardless of its efficiency.仅仅麦格纳打算承诺不管工厂的效率如何都不会关闭德国境内的欧宝工厂。

4.In any case, it was quite enjoyable to see a Harvard Law Magna Cum Laude alumni piss his pants at a simple question.无论如何,看到哈佛法学院校友在这个简单的问题前尿了裤子还是挺可乐的。

5.Unless Fiat or Magna was prepared to come up with the money within 24 hours, Opel and Vauxhall would join their parent in insolvency.除非菲亚特(Fiat)或者曼格纳(Magna)愿意在24小时内拿出这笔钱,否则欧宝和沃克斯豪尔将与其母公司一并进入破产程序。

6.Its name is always capitapzed, pke the Constitution of the United States or the Magna Carta.它的名字总是以大写形式出现,俨然堪比美国宪法或者《大宪章》。

7.It is still pkely to lay-off thousands of workers but probably far fewer than Fiat would have done if it had won the bidding.现在仍有可能几千失业人员但可能比菲亚特公司较少工人已经获得工作,如果Magna已经中标。

8.Up until recently, Mr. Henderson had been a proponent of a deal that would sell 55% of Opel to Magna.直到最近,韩德胜还一直支持将欧宝55%的股权出售给Magna的交易。

9.Magna International's chief executive Don Walker said he was "comfortable" putting the company's cash to work in acquisitions.麦格纳国际(MagnaInternational)首席执行官唐•沃克(DonWalker)表示,他觉得将公司的现金用于收购很“合适”。

10.That just leaves Magna to put the two pieces together into a puzzle that's already been worked out.叶片大,仅仅把两件组合成新的难题包括已经完成。