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n.1.a neutron star with an extremely strong magnetic field that emits gamma rays and X-rays.


2.格尼塔1月14日迈格尼塔Magnetar)北京大学校园宣讲会共0张照片 | 上传照片 活动内容 相关活动 地点: 光华楼201会议室 (地点搜 …


4.强磁星对强磁星magnetar)的多波段观测研究对X射线双星的观测研究 出国学习工作 工作简历 社会兼职 奖励信息 专利成果

5.叫做磁星叫做磁星(Magnetar)它的质量比太阳大,具有中子星的密度→中子星的直径约数十公里,但其质量等同一颗恒星而磁星的磁场是 …

6.磁爆星发现磁爆星(Magnetar)至今刚好满二十年(3/6)无意中拍到一颗小行星(3/6) 由照片中的颜色来判断火星上的水含量(3/5) 广域红外 …

7.磁中子星但另一种观点认为,伽玛射线暴源于另一种不同的爆炸,由于磁中子星magnetar)向外抛出物质造成。磁中子星的引力场比 …


1.ProPubpca notes that the CDO deal prospectuses did not disclose Magnetar's equity role, or detail its other positions.ProPubpca指出,CDO交易说明书没有披露迈格尼塔持有那些组块,也没有详细列明它的其它头寸。

2.Magnetar says it was arbitraging between the different layers of securities and was "net long" , rather than engineering a short.迈格尼塔则声称,它只是在不同级别的证券之间进行套利交易,而且是“净多头”,并没有图谋做空。

3.ProPubpca said Magnetar's strategy was often to purchase the riskiest parts of such deals and then make side bets against the deals.ProPubpca指出,Magnetar的策略往往是买入这类交易终风险最高的部分,并另外就此进行反向押注。

4.The magnetar, visible near the top of the image, hurtles through the supernova debris cloud at over 70 thousand kilometers per hour.强磁星,在画面顶端附近,以超过每小时7万千米的速度急速穿过超新星碎片云。

5.Dr Clark's magnetar is, at least, a lone anomaly.克拉克博士发现的磁星至少是唯一的异常现象。

6.The magnetic field should act as a strong brake on a magnetar's rotation.磁场对超强磁星体的自转应该是一种强力的煞车。

7.The Magnetar controversy centres on how it financed its bet against the triple-A tranches of CDOs that Citi trusted.围绕迈格尼塔的争议,主要集中在它如何为其做空花旗委托的AAA级CDO融资。

8.According to a recent report from ProPubpca, there were 26 deals in which Magnetar, a hedge fund, both sponsored CDOs and bet against them.ProPubpca最近发布的报告显示,对冲基金迈格尼塔(Magnetar)在26宗交易中,既赞助了CDO,也对它们做空。

9.Concept image of a magnetar which is the object with the strongest magnetic field.构想的磁星是拥有最强磁场的天体。

10.Magnetar's rotation axis of rotation around the second 60 weeks, it is super star after the explosion residues .磁星每秒钟围绕旋转轴自转60周,它是超级大恒星发生爆炸后的残留物。