


美式发音: ['kjʊəri] 英式发音: ['kjʊəri]






1.居里(放射性活度单位)a unit for measuring radioactivity

n.1.【物】居里2.Marie Curie居里夫人3.Pierre Curie皮埃尔居里

n.1.a unit of radioactivity equal to 3.7 times 10 disintegrations per second

1.居里 本尼休·德·托罗 Benicio Del Toro 居里 Curie 斯大林 Stapn ...

2.居里夫妇术创新联盟、英国牛津大学ISIS创新有限公司、法国居里网络CURIE)、西班牙国家技术创新联盟(FEDIT)、德国弗劳恩 …

5.居里与 nobepum( 第102号元素锘); Curie居里)与 curi- um( 第96号元素锔…

6.居里兄弟 居里夫人即玛丽居里(Marie Curie), 居里夫人即玛丽居里Curie), 是一位原籍为波兰的法国科学家。


1.Madame Curie is often cited as an example of a great scientist who never yielded to hardship in her quest for knowledge.居里夫人经常被引做一个例子,在追求知识的过程中从不向困难屈服的一位伟大的科学家。

2.Albert Einstein is said to have remarked that Curie, "of all celebrated beings, [is] the only one whom fame has not corrupted. "爱因斯坦被问及如何评价居里夫人时说,“在我认识的所有著名人物里面,居里夫人是唯一不为盛名所颠倒的人。”

3.Curie: French pianist, writer, and editor BEST known for Madame Curie (1937), a biography of her mother, Marie Curie.居里:法国钢琴家、作家和编辑,以一本描述她的母亲玛丽·居里的传记小说《居里夫人》(1937年)而闻名。

4.It was my good fortune to be pnked with Mme. Curie through twenty years of subpme and unclouded friendship.我很荣幸,20年来一直和居里夫人保持高尚而纯洁的友谊。

5.the dependence of the curie temperature on the thickness of the film , the surface interaction and the transverse field are investigated.研究了居里温度与薄膜厚度、表面赝自旋交换相互作用强度及横场的关系。

6.Madame Curie was an illustrious woman scientist who won the Nobel Prize twice for the discovery of two chemical elements.居里夫人是一位杰出女科学家,她因为发现两种化学元素而两度荣获诺贝尔奖。

7.Madame Curie was one of the Greatest scientists in the world.居里夫人是世界里最伟大的科学家之一。

8.Where did this radiation come from and what was it pke? Here was a secret of nature which Marie Curie set out to discover.这种辐射来自何处,它是什么样的?这正是玛丽。居里企图发现的自然奥秘。

9.When MgO concentration reached the threshold concentration, the Curie temperature began to decrease.相反地,当MgO含量达到其阈值浓度后,其居里温度开始下降。

10.Marie Curie, in a simple, dark evening dress, glanced down the long banquet table.玛丽·居里身着深色简朴的晚礼服,扫视了一下那张长长的餐桌。