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1.马格利特歌德的《浮士德》与李斯特的“浮士德交响曲”;比利时超现实主义画家马格里特Magritte)的绘画与罗布—格里耶的小说《 …

8.超现实主义画家玛格里特英文版封面是超现实主义画家玛格里特Magritte)的作品《梦境之钥》(The Key of Dreams),四种具体的事物被冠上不同 …


1.Magritte's letters to Copnet were recovered from his studio by Georgette after his death and sold at auction in London in 1987.Copnet死后,Georgette从他的画室中收回了Magritte写给他的信件,并于1987在伦敦将他们拍卖。

2.I think this directness is what's most important in Belgian art, including Magritte, who was no painter but a great artist nonetheless.我认为这直接因果关系是最关键的比利时艺术,包括利特,谁没有一个伟大的画家,但仍然重要的艺术家。

3.Sir Paul was given them by his late wife, Linda, who'd bought them at a sale staged by Magritte's widow, Georgette.它是保罗-麦卡特尼爵士已故的妻子琳达在由画家雷尼·马格利特的遗孀乔其蒂举办的雷尼·马格利特生前物品拍卖会上拍得送给他的。

4.Along the way it produced Magritte, Simenon, Tintin, the saxophone and a lot of chocolate.在这一过程中它产生了马格里特(译注1),西姆农(译注2),丁丁历险记,萨克斯管和许多许多巧克力。

5.As one editoriapst put it, alluding to Magritte's nonsensical pipe: Ceci n'est plus un pays ( "This is no longer a country" ).正如一位社论撰写人所写的,暗指马格利特荒谬的烟斗:这不再是一个国家。

6.Magritte never went so far as trompe l'oeil, where the eye is, if only temporarily, completely tricked.马格里特从来不用精密描绘画法,哪怕是短暂地看这种绘画也会完全受骗。

7.IN THE land of Magritte, art scarcely matches the surreapsm of Belgian poptics.马格里特的比利时,超现实主义艺术不敌超现实主义政治。

8.In the third study they used Magritte's famous absurdist painting of a bowler-hatted gentleman with a big green apple in front of his face.在第三个研究中,他们使用马格利特著名的荒诞画一个在他面前的绿苹果投球的盔绅士。

9.Magritte knits verbal signs and plastic elements together, but without referring them to a prior isotopism.马格利特将言说的符号与可塑性元素编织在一起,但并未指出这二者谁更优先。

10.Five hundred works were seized, including copies of paintings by Matisse, Magritte and Fontana.他们共缴获了500幅赝品,包括马蒂斯,马格利特和封塔纳等人的作品的伪造品。