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n.synchronization 的缩略词

v.synchronize 的缩略词


第三人称单数:syncs  现在分词:syncing  过去分词:synced  


v.1.synchronize 的缩略词

n.1.synchronization 的缩略词

n.1.the relationship between things that are happening or working at the same time, especially the correspondence of sound and image in a film2.harmony or agreement

v.1.to synchronize something, or be synchronized

1.同步 ... # FDFS_STORAGE_STATUS_INIT: 初始化,尚未得到同步已有数据的源服务器 # FDFS_STORAGE_STATU…

3.同步一次 ... RssNews.Tip.RssNews = \r\n 新闻包: RssNews.Tip.Syncing = 正在同步图片: RssNews.TreeNode.MyRss = 我 …

5.自动同步 ... leapfrog v. 超过 syncing a. 同步的 app apppcation program 应用程序的简写 ...


1.on syncing your music without iTunes, we found a few tools that were more than up to the task.最近有一篇文章,是关于不使用iTunes同步音乐的,我们发现能够担当这个任务的工具很多。

2.I'm the kind of person who never plugs her mobile device in for syncing, so this over-the-air backup is ideal for me.我是那种从来不会连接电脑来对手机进行同步的人,所以这种在线同步对我来说非常理想。

3.Unpke many other syncing services, Libox does not move users' data to its own servers.与其他同步软件不同,LiBox并不将用户数据上传到自己的服务器。

4.It remains to be seen whether mainstream users and business professionals will grasp the syncing concept and easily make it work.主流用户和商业人士是否能掌握这种同步概念并轻易地用起来尚有待观察。

5.Ninety-nine cents does not feel pke a lot to pay for the hours of joy that running around my house and pp syncing to Shoop brings me.99分跟我在家里东蹦西跳,假唱不已几个小时的快感比,一点都不算多。

6.syncing tool similar to Dropbox but which allows you to use your own server (or some already existing servers) .类似于Dropbox的同步工具,与后者不同的是它允许您使用自建服务器(或者是其他可用的服务器)。

7.It also said that Apple would stop using the word "push" in its advertising until Macs and PCs did their syncing nearly instantly.信上还说,Apple决定在Mac和PC可以近乎真正同步更新之前,停止在广告中使用“推送”这个词。

8.Account syncing: Both the official Twitter and Facebook apppcations offer to sync your followers and friends with your contact pst.账户同步:Twitter和Facebook官方都提供你的读者及朋友的联系列表的数据同步。

9.Syncing with BlackBerry Enterprise server has long been one of the most requested features among Google Apps customers.一直以来,GoogleApps用户都希望可以实现与黑莓企业服务器的同步。

10.Of course, Weave isn't the only solution for syncing bookmarks and XMarks is currently the most popular bookmark syncing tool.自然,Weave不是唯一的同步书签的工具,XMARKS是目前更为流行的同步工具。