




1.迈耶的湖南省委意料之外,他们只好在十五日取消整个暴动。苏联领事馆的书记马也尔(Maier)说,发生的这一切“可说是最可耻的 …

4.麦埃 麦克米伦,哈罗德 Macmillan,Harold 麦埃,诺尔曼 Maier,Norman 孟,托马斯 Mun,Thomas ...

5.备料工段设备并购迈耶分市场,采取了并购帕尔曼的方式;迪芬巴赫为搞刨花板备料工段设备并购迈耶Maier)公司;安德里茨并购了美国的热磨 …

6.麦厄斯公司 ... 安东琳-伊鲁萨公司( Grupo 麦厄斯公司( Maier 美国标准公司( Standard) ...

7.梅耶 ... 著; 褚耐安译,盖诺( Gaynor, Gerhard H.) 作; 严慧莹译,梅耶( Maier, Corinne) ...


1.Instead, Maier shifts the weight from the outside ski onto the inside one that takes him in the desired direction (last frame).取而代之,Maier将力量从外侧板转移至内侧板,使得滑行轨迹指向他所希望的方向(最后一帧)。

2.Watching a segment recently on WTTW about the discovery of Ms. Maier's work, he found himself in tears.在观看WTTW频道最近播出的关于麦尔女士作品的发掘的片段时,他不禁热泪盈眶。

3.In a similar fashion, Maier insists that the laziness she abhors is the intellectual and moral laziness encouraged by the corporate world.迈尔以同样的方式坚持她憎恶的懒惰是企业界所推崇的智力和道德的那种懒惰。

4.Vivian Maier, evidently one of America's more insightful street photographers, has at last been discovered.维维安麦尔,很显然是美国见解较深刻的街头摄影师之一,她的才华终于得以在世人面前彰显。

5.Corinne Maier is the author of "Bonjour Laziness" and "No Kids: 40 Good Reasons Not to Have Children. "法国人气作家CorinneMaier是《你好,懒惰》,《法国妈不生孩子的40个理由》的作者。

6.However, Maier does not view love as being reserved for a perfect world.但是梅尔并不认为爱是完美世界独有的。

7.Ms. Maier still frowns when recalpng the day last Octoberwhen she was choosing a new washing machine.回忆起去年10月挑选买一台新洗衣机时的情景时,梅尔女士至今还会皱起眉头。

8.We agree with Reverend Maier when he writes that love is a spirit that changes pfe.我们同意梅尔教士的观点,即爱是改变生活的精神力量。

9.Dr. Rudolf Maier General Manager, Bosch Automotive Diesel Systems Co. , Ltd.博世汽车柴油系统股份有限公司总经理马儒韬博士

10.Mr. Maloof, who stumbled on Ms. Maier's work, is her most high-profile advocate.在麦尔女士的作品中迷失方向的马鲁夫先生,就是她最引人注目的推崇者。