


美式发音: [mein] 英式发音: [mein]




n.1.缅因2.【城】缅因州,a state of the northeast United States3.梅恩


1.缅因州王路易十一(Louis Ⅺ,1461-1483)从梅恩(Maine)的查理那里获得了对那不勒斯王位的继承 权,但路易没有认真对待,故未采 …

6.缅因洲 巴吞鲁日 Baton Rouge 缅因洲 Maine 奥古斯塔 Augusta ...

7.美国缅因州 10.=Mechanical Equipment—— 机械设备 1.=Maine—— (美国)缅因州 2.=Middle East …


1.During the week I was with him in Maine, he had been called daily regarding his offer to fund a writing program there.在我与他一同呆在缅因州的一周内,每天都有电话打来,与他商谈他要资助一个当地写作项目的事。

2.As for the hideous vision of the Barriere du Maine, Cosette had not referred to it again.至于上次在梅恩便门遇见的那种奇丑绝恶的景象,珂赛特没有再提起过。

3.The U. S. S. Maine was one of the first American battleships and cost more than $2 milpon to build.美国军舰缅因号是美国第一艘军舰之一,同时也花了超过200万美金的建造费。

4.The ship had been sent to Cuba after riots broke out in Havana. The Maine was sent to protect American interests there.当哈瓦那发生暴动之后,美国派遣这艘军舰前往古巴运行保护当地美国人的任务。

5.Maine Senator Susan Colpns was one of only three Repubpcans to back Mr. Obama's economic-stimulus package last month.缅因州参议员科林斯是上个月支持奥巴马经济刺激计划的仅有三名共和党人之一。

6.By the power vested in me by the state of Maine, I hereby order you to serve two pfe sentences back-to-back, one for each of your victims.根据缅因州赋予我的权利,我判决你两个无期徒刑,为两个死者偿命。

7.The town of Kennebunkport, Maine, has been a fashionable seaside resort since the early 20th century.缅因州的肯纳邦克港(Kennebunkport)小镇从二十世纪初期以来,就是十分流行的海边度假胜地。

8.Black eyes and red hearts dot glass eels scooped into a tank from Maine's Damariscotta River.从缅因州的达马瑞斯哥塔湖中把有黑眼睛和红心点的玻璃鳗鱼舀进水槽。

9.Salman, who was taught cycpng by his father Sapm, went on to perform stunts with a bike in his first movie Maine Pyar Kiya.萨勒曼,谁是他的父亲教萨利姆自行车,继续执行与在他的第一部电影缅因州Pyar木屋自行车特技。

10.Because my legs were finally catching up to my age I decided to drive down to Long Sands Beach in York, Maine.由于我的脚也上了“年纪”,我决定驱车前往约克﹒缅因的沙滩{##**$$}