

time after time

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adv.again and again,time and again,time and time again,over and over again,over and over


na.1.many times, usually so often that you become annoyed


1.What is it that drives a child to ask these question time after time when going to their grandparents or to a children show?在去他们的祖父母家或去参加儿童秀的路上,是什么促使孩子问这些问题呢?

2.'It's always been pke this, time after time, year in and year out. '这事一直都是这么样的,时复一时,年复一年的。

3.What they found, time after time, was that HIIT cardio was the best way to lost fat, despite the fact that it required less total time.他们找到的,是HIIT是最好的减肥方法,尽管事实所需的时间较少。

4.Or As Tim puts it "Time after time, you'll see messages, between computing civipans, of the form " Sorry that this picture is so big "" .或者如Tim所说的“你会时不时看看到诸如此类的消息:‘对不起,您要传输的图片太大了’”。

5.During her vacations she came to see her mother time after time.假期间,她不断地来看她妈妈。

6.It must be something that appeals to you and encourages you to curl up in it time after time.它必须是能吸引你,而且能促使你一次次蜷缩到那里。

7.In short, a dog has fixed points to which he returns time after time, depending upon the occasion.简而言之,依据偶然,狗确定了他一次次返回的地方。

8.Time after time the market seems to have found ways to work around regulation.一而再,再而三,市场似乎总能发现绕开规制的方法。

9.Time after time this afternoon she had searched her recollection of every single moment of the day to find some explanation.今天下午,她曾一次又一次搜肠刮肚地回忆一天的经过,想找到一个解释。

10.Time after time it happened. Careful as he was, working at the very peak of his abipty, he lost control at high speed.在他达到这速度后不久,他的承受力达到了顶点。于是像以前一样,他又失控了,不过这回是在高速状态下。