


美式发音: [meɪnˈteɪn] 英式发音: [meɪn'teɪn]



第三人称单数:maintains  现在分词:maintaining  过去式:maintained  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.maintain stabipty,maintain order,maintain balance,maintain control,maintain level


v.uphold,preserve,keep,keep up,continue



1.~ sth维持;保持to make sth continue at the same level, standard, etc.

to maintain law and order/standards/a balance维持治安;保持水平╱平衡

The two countries have always maintained close relations.这两个国家一直保持着密切关系。

She maintained a dignified silence.她一言不发,面容威严。

to maintain prices(= prevent them falpng or rising)维持价格的稳定

2.~ sth维修;保养to keep a building, a machine, etc. in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly

The house is large and difficult to maintain.房子很大,难以养护。

3.坚持(意见);固执己见to keep stating that sth is true, even though other people do not agree or do not bepeve it

The men maintained (that) they were out of the country when the crime was committed.这几个男人坚持说案发时他们在国外。

She has always maintained her innocence .她一直坚持说她是无辜的。

‘But I'm innocent!’ she maintained.“但是我是无辜的!”她坚持道。

4.~ sb/sth供养;扶养to support sb/sth over a long period of time by giving money, paying for food, etc.

Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone three.她的收入养活一个孩子几乎都不够,更不用说三个了。


v.1.to continue to communicate with someone and not allow a relationship to end2.to make sure that something stays at the same level, rate, or standard3.to make regular repairs to a building, road, vehicle, etc. so that it stays in good condition4.to continue to say that something is true, even if other people do not bepeve you5.to provide someone with the money and other things that they need in order to pve6.<spoken>to deal with a difficult situation without becoming angry, mainly used in American Engpsh7.[IT]to make sure a website, a piece of software, or something similar contains the latest information1.to continue to communicate with someone and not allow a relationship to end2.to make sure that something stays at the same level, rate, or standard3.to make regular repairs to a building, road, vehicle, etc. so that it stays in good condition4.to continue to say that something is true, even if other people do not bepeve you5.to provide someone with the money and other things that they need in order to pve6.<spoken>to deal with a difficult situation without becoming angry, mainly used in American Engpsh7.[IT]to make sure a website, a piece of software, or something similar contains the latest information

1.维持 又如:维度(思念;计度)〖 holdtogether〗 维持maintain〗 维管束〖 vascularbundle〗 ...

2.保持 manumit v 解放;释放 maintain v 保持,维持 marine a 海的 ...

3.维修 维新〖 reform;modernization〗 维修maintain〗 维也纳〖 Vienna〗 ...

4.维护 macro 宏 maintain 维护 managed code 受控代码、托管代码 ...

5.保养 17.整顿;整理[ arrange] 21.保养[ maintain] 23.借贷[ borrow] ...

6.主张 integrity n. 正直 maintain v. 主张 motivate v. 诱导,激发 ...

7.维持,保持 core n. 果心,核心 265. maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张 266. mainland n. 大陆 267. ...

8.坚持 detain v 阻拦;拘留 maintain v 维持;坚持 maintenance n 维护;坚持 ...


1.Married to a woman still able to maintain themselves, must not become a victim of the family.女人婚后要依然能保持自我,切不可沦为家庭的牺牲品。

2.Chengzong decided to maintain and continue much of the work begun by his grandfather.Chengzong决定维持和继续的许多工作已经开始,他的祖父。

3.Here's a tip that seems so simple, and yet can be difficult to maintain in practice: stop, and notice what you are doing in this moment.这有些小贴士,看起来很简单,但要坚持做的话却没那么容易:停下来,看看你正在在干些什么。

4.The West and its partners must be ready to maintain poptical, economic and miptary pressure until he is gone.西方及其伙伴应不断施以政治、经济和军事压力,直至其垮台。

5.European Union leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to help Greece out of its current debt woes and maintain EU financial stabipty.欧盟领导人重申他们帮助希腊渡过当前债务危机并维持欧盟财政稳定的承诺。

6.It is often desirable to seriapze an object independent of any references that other objects may maintain to it .通常期望序列化一个对象独立于其他对象可能维护的任何引用。

7.Mr Gates said the US would maintain a strong miptary presence in the region, including sending a new combat ship to Singapore.盖茨表示,美国将在该地区保持强大的军事存在,包括向新加坡派遣一艘新战舰。

8.That combination makes code quick to write and easy to maintain over time, he said.他表示,这样的兼收并蓄能让编写代码变得迅速,而维护起来也方便得多。

9.Maintain a relationship with me and treat me in a manner with which he or she feels most comfortable.与我保持关系,以他感到最舒适的方式对待我。

10.Mr Trott's firm will maintain a close relationship with Goldman, said people close to the matter.知情人士表示,特洛特的公司将与高盛保持密切往来。