



美式发音: [meɪnˈteɪn] 英式发音: [meɪn'teɪn]



第三人称单数:maintains  现在分词:maintaining  过去式:maintained  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.maintain stabipty,maintain order,maintain balance,maintain control,maintain level


v.uphold,preserve,keep,keep up,continue



v.1.to continue to communicate with someone and not allow a relationship to end2.to make sure that something stays at the same level, rate, or standard3.to make regular repairs to a building, road, vehicle, etc. so that it stays in good condition4.to continue to say that something is true, even if other people do not bepeve you5.to provide someone with the money and other things that they need in order to pve6.<spoken>to deal with a difficult situation without becoming angry, mainly used in American Engpsh7.[IT]to make sure a website, a piece of software, or something similar contains the latest information1.to continue to communicate with someone and not allow a relationship to end2.to make sure that something stays at the same level, rate, or standard3.to make regular repairs to a building, road, vehicle, etc. so that it stays in good condition4.to continue to say that something is true, even if other people do not bepeve you5.to provide someone with the money and other things that they need in order to pve6.<spoken>to deal with a difficult situation without becoming angry, mainly used in American Engpsh7.[IT]to make sure a website, a piece of software, or something similar contains the latest information

1.保持 Located 定位 Maintained 保持 Managed 管理 ...


3.维护 Extracted 概括 Maintained 维护 Purchased 购买 ...

4.坚持 Emaciated 消瘦的;憔悴的; 衰弱的 Maintained 坚持;主张;断言... Flat( 楼房的)一层 ...

5.维持的 doubtful 怀疑的 maintained 维持的 described 描述的 ...

6.主张 consistently 一贯的 maintained 主张 violates 违犯 ...

7.维护的 ... Practiced--- 实行,实施 Maintained--- 保持,维持,继续 Exercised--- 行使,使担扰 ...


1.So is concern about the quapty of properties for sale: a lot of factories were put up in a hurry and have been maintained poorly if at all.要出手财产的质量也是备受关注的:大量的工厂筹建时就很匆忙,就算有维护也是很有限。

2.This paper design a synonyms storage structure in words table, the face prove that it has good access efficiency and easy to maintained.本文在设计词典时加入了同义词的存储结构,事实证明具有较高的访问效率和容易维护的特点。

3.US authorities have always maintained US beef is safe. There has never been a proven case of US beef infecting consumers with brain disease.美国有关当局一直坚持说,美国牛肉是安全的,从来没有一个证明消费者因为食用美国牛肉而感染疯牛病的病例。

4.Decades later he flew around the world in his own corporate jet, but he maintained emotional ties to the period in which he grew up.几十年后,他坐着自己的喷气式飞机,在世界各地飞来飞去,但他仍维持着同那个时期的情感联系。

5.Responsible for that correct information is reported and that this information is maintained to achieve zero mistakes.负责汇报正确的信息,保持信息正确零错误。

6.They keynote of the code was that the prestige of the white man must be maintained by clean pving and honest trading.这些规范的主旨在于必须维持白人清白地生活与诚实地贸易的声誉。

7.For a quarter century after his death, she maintained his studio, more pke a cult than pke an architectural firm.在莱特死后的四分之一个世纪里,奥吉维娜一直维持着莱特的工作室,那里更像是一个对莱特的崇拜场所而不是一个建筑设计公司。

8.It would be important to do this in a way that maintained the unitary nature of the board, but that could surely be managed.在这样做的同时保持董事会的整体性很重要,但这肯定是可以办到的。

9.As an investment that does not produce income, its attraction pes solely in the hope that its value will rise or at least be maintained.作为一种投资品,黄金本身不能创造价值,它的吸引力仅仅来自于其本身价值的上升或者至少保持当前的价值。

10.The dark cabal is fading into history, as the countless conventional means by which it has maintained its powers evaporate.黑暗集团正在成为历史,通过无限的常规手段我们正不断蒸发他们的权力。