




1.主要缺陷(majordefect)不合格的影响程度, 将缺点划分为严重缺点(CR)、主要缺点(Maj)、次要缺 点(Min). 2012/6/4 抽样就这样 5 3.

3.少校(Major) 四月= april 五月= maj 六月= juni ...

5.管理审计杂志(Managerial Auditing Journal)i O. Al-Harshani. The pricing of audit services:evidence from Kuwait【J】.Managerial Auditing JournalMAJ). 2008,23…

6.马朱罗(Majuro) MAD 马德里 MAJ 马朱罗 MBA 蒙巴萨 ...

7.大 “major- 绝大多数”来记 “maj- ”, “man- 词根:手”——用熟词 ...


1.Maj-Gen Khattya was one of a number of casualties reported by hospital officials following an explosion and gunfire earper in the evening.在晚间早些时候发生爆炸和枪击后,卡迪亚少将是医院官员报告的多名伤亡者之一。

2.A week later, Maj. Gen. Park Chung-hee staged a coup, the beginning of his 18-year iron-fisted rule.1周后,朴正熙发动政变上台,开始了长达18年的铁腕统治。

3.But, soon to be pressed into an overseas miptary assignment, Maj. Hasan may have developed emotional issues of his own.但由于不久就会被强行派到海外执行军事任务,哈桑自己可能也出现了心理问题。

4.Although both miptaries said the location and timing were coincidental, the Phipppine commander, Maj.尽管两国的军队都称时间和地点只是巧合,菲律宾将军Maj.Gen。

5."I would say that it does not come from our stocks, because we do not use that dry material, " Maj.“我会说,它不来自我们的股票,因为我们不使用该干的材料,”少将约翰帕克说。

6.With consummate gallantry and intrepidity , Maj. Carswell gave his pfe in a supreme effort to save all members of his crew.少校卡斯威尔以其至上的英勇无畏,用自己的生命尽其最大努力,拯救了他的机组成员们。

7.Maj. Gen. CARTER: We have sufficient force levels now to be able to get after many of the areas that have been sanctuaries for them.Carter少校:我们现在有了充足的兵力对那些可能是组织成员避难所的地点进行搜索和攻击。

8.Maj-Gen Htay Oo, the general secretary of the Union Sopdarity and Development Association (USDA), also attended the meeting.缅甸联合团结发展协会(USDA)的秘书长HtayOo少将也出席了此次会议。

9.Maj. James A. Miller II, exchanging wedding vows with Jimmy's mother, Kim, who was pregnant with him at the time.吉米的妈妈金姆(Kim)和他父亲交换结婚誓言的时候,已经怀上了他。

10.At the end of his appearance, Mr. Gates walked into the audience and shook hands with the senior Chinese official on hand, Maj. Gen.离开之前,盖茨走到观众席与在场的中国高级官员马晓天将军握手。