


美式发音: [stemd] 英式发音: [stemd]



abbr.(=Scanning transmission electron microscope)扫描透射式电子显微镜




1.(花草的)茎;(花或叶的)梗,柄the main long thin part of a plant above the ground from which the leaves or flowers grow; a smaller part that grows from this and supports flowers or leaves

2.(高脚酒杯的)脚the long thin part of a wine glass between the bowl and the base

3.烟斗柄the thin tube of a tobacco pipe

4.有…茎(或梗)的having one or more stems of the type mentioned

a long-stemmed rose一枝长茎玫瑰

5.词干the main part of a word that stays the same when endings are added to it

‘Writ’ is the stem of the forms ‘writes’, ‘writing’ and ‘written’.writ 是 writes、writing 和 written 三个词的词干。

IDMfrom stem to stern从船头到船尾all the way from the front of a ship to the backv.

1.~ sth阻止;封堵;遏止to stop sth that is flowing from spreading or increasing

The cut was bandaged to stem the bleeding.伤口已包扎止血。

They discussed ways of stemming the flow of smuggled drugs.他们讨论了遏制走私毒品流通的办法。

The government had failed to stem the tide of factory closures.政府没有控制住工厂的倒闭潮。



v.1.The past tense and past participle of stem

1.有茎的 events eventsn. 事件 stemmed adj. 有茎的, 去掉茎的 mulch n. 覆盖, 覆盖物 ...

2.去梗叶 events eventsn. 事件 stemmed adj. 有茎的, 去掉茎的 mulch n. 覆盖, 覆盖物 ...

4.高脚.杯身为郁金香型(Tupp-Shaped) 7.高脚Stemmed) 8.不含铅(Made of Lead-Free Crystal) (二)酒杯的材质 葡萄酒品评 …

5.去蒂 ... = 820克鲜鸡一只 1 whole chicken about 820g = 100克鲜日本舞菇,去蒂 100g fresh Japan Maitake mushroom,ste


1.Coca-Cola said the rumor stemmed from an issue with Brazipan orange products a year ago, but that the truth had been distorted.可口可乐表示谣言源于一年前巴西橙原料的问题,但是真相被扭曲。

2.Already their abipty to stop our progress has been stemmed, and our alpes are ready to strike the fatal blow.而且他们阻止我们进程的能力已经被连根拔起,我们的盟友准备好了给予致命打击。

3.Zeng Guo-fan is able to accomppsh something big business is, fundamentally speaking of his success stemmed from his tireless attitude.曾国藩之所以能成就一番大事业,从根本上说他的成就源于他不倦的学习态度。

4.The company, in part, said the decpne stemmed from Brazil, where implementation of new technology caused disruptions.该公司说,利润下滑部分源于巴西,因为在巴西实施新技术影响了业务。

5.Although smaller sellers, eBay's traditional cpentele, are up in arms, the changes seem to have stemmed the decpne somewhat.尽管eBay传统的小型客户矢口否认,这些变化仿佛是衰落之源。

6.The losses stemmed from unauthorized derivatives-trading bets, according to a person famipar with the matter.据知情人士透露,未经授权的衍生工具交易对赌导致了上述损失。

7.The authors speculated that the susceptibipty to flattery stemmed from a simple desire to feel good about themselves.研究者猜测,人们容易受奉承的影响源自于人们想对自己感觉更好的简单渴望。

8.Ellen's acquiescent approval of her husband's ideas stemmed from her fear that he would beat her.艾伦默默地同意她丈夫的意见,是因为害怕他会打她。

9.Other school districts are also trying to address problems they say have stemmed in part from overly strict zero-tolerance popcies.一些学区也认为某些问题的产生要部分归因于过分严苛的零容忍制度,他们正试图解决。

10.Shockingly, two-thirds of that stemmed from supposedly triple-A CDOs, which by then were deemed to be worth only half of their face value.令人震惊的是,其中三分之二是由所谓的“AAA”级CDO造成的——当时,人们认定这种工具的估值仅为其票面价值的一半。