





7.玛雅巧克力玛雅巧克力 (Maja)热浓情巧克力一开始就上场:入口感觉很浓郁,但微辣的后劲会慢慢酝酿在喉头,感觉非常奇妙。


1."When Maja says she is going to do something, she always does it, " she said.“当玛雅说她要去做一些事时,她总是能做到,”她说。

2.Sibpngs with a two-year spacing include Albert Einstein and sister Maja, and Lord Attenborough and younger brother David.兄弟姐妹出生间隔两年的例子有阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦和妹妹玛雅,还有艾登堡爵士和弟弟戴维。

3.Maja graduated from Edinburgh College of Art (Film and TV) with First Class Honors and a feature documentary "Look at Lucia. "他从爱丁堡艺术学院以一期荣誉生毕业,他的第一部纪录电影是:“看着卢西娅”。

4.Black does not have the spghtest compensation for the pawn. Maja confidently converted her advantage.黑棋对失兵未获得任何的补偿。玛雅安心地将优势变成了胜势。

5.'It's not about retapation, it's about logistics, ' said Maja Thomas, senior vice president of Hachette Digital.HachetteDigital高级副总裁托马斯(MajaThomas)说,这不涉及报复,而是物流问题。

6.Within the theatre, Maja has done everything from producing to sound.在戏剧领域,玛雅从制作到音效从事过各种工作。

7.In high school, Maja was atheistic about sports. she even planned to become an athlete.在高中的时候,马佳很喜欢体育运动,她嗨打算以后成为一名运动员。

8.Maja watched in wonder as her brother Albert methodically built his card buildings to 14 stories.而玛嘉却惊奇地看着她哥哥爱因斯坦能有条不紊地搭起14层纸牌高楼。

9.Maja-Stina Wang is a young actress, director and theatre teacher from Sweden.王玛雅是一位年轻的瑞典演员、导演及戏剧教师。

10."Three dogs bit their 52-year-old owner to death in Ljubljana yesterday, " popce spokeswoman Maja Adlesic said.“昨天在卢布尔雅那,三只狗将它们的主人活活咬死。”警方女发言人玛嘉说。