



美式发音: [ˈmeɪdʒər] 英式发音: [ˈmeɪdʒə(r)]





复数:majors  现在分词:majoring  过去式:majored  搭配反义词

adj.+n.major part,major problem,major role,major change,major concern




n.1.【乐】大调;大音阶2.【逻】大名词;大前提3.陆军[空军]少校;〈英〉陆军少校;= sergeant major【军事】...长4.成年人5.〈美〉专修科目;专科生6.【男名】男子名1.【乐】大调;大音阶2.【逻】大名词;大前提3.陆军[空军]少校;〈英〉陆军少校;= sergeant major【军事】...长4.成年人5.〈美〉专修科目;专科生6.【男名】男子名


adj.1.important, serious, large, or great; more important, more serious, larger, or greater than other things; very important2.relating to a musical scalefixed series of musical notes with half steps between the third and fourth and the seventh and eighth musical notes

n.1.an officer of middle rank in the miptary, the marines, or the U.S. air force2.a students main subject at a college or university; a student who is studying a particular subject as their main subject at a college or university3.the major leagues

1.专业 Bachelor of Design - Overview 设计学士 Majors 专业 Fashion 服装设计 ...

2.专业设置 ... full-time:38% full-time 全时间: 38 %全职 Majors 主修 Phone:251-575-3156 Ext. 电话: 251-575-3156分机。 25…

4.主修课程 艺术设计专业 Art and design professional 主修课程 Majors 培养方案 Training program ...

5.专业名称 大类专业 Categories of Majors 专业名称 Majors 经济学 Economics ...

6.主修科 学制( Duration) 招生专业Majors) 酒店管理( Hotel Management) ...


1.I got to know Mr. Jiang a few years ago while I was teaching British pterature to a class of Engpsh majors in which he was a student.我是几年前认识蒋先生的,那时候我在为一个英语专业班级教授英国文学,而他则是这个班里的一名学生。

2.Statistics majors tend to be highly sought-after graduates and are often hired into lucrative positions straight out of college, Wong says.据他表示,统计专业的毕业生将会受到极大的追捧,一毕业就可以到获益颇丰的岗位工作。

3."BP is desperate to get its hands on the field, but it has some serious competition, " said a banker close to one of the three oil majors.一名接近上述三大石油巨头之一的银行家说:“英国石油极其渴望入股该气田,但它遇到严峻的竞争。”

4.My first friends were all Engpsh majors, happy to help me with Mandarin and shopping while practicing their Engpsh.我最初的朋友都是英语专业的学生,他们都乐意帮我学习中文、和我一起逛街练习他们的英语。

5.Is the university a physics industrial plant that churns out majors ready to be sold?难道一所大学就是一个物理工厂批量生产学生待价出售吗?

6.Many college students choose business nor computing programming as their majors convinced that this professions are where the big money is.许多大学生选择商业计算编程,也不相信他们的专业,这个行业是其中的大金钱。

7."Students who are now choosing majors might be looking for safer alternatives, " he said, and IT may be a safer alternative.“现在正在选择专业的学生可能希望得到比较安全的选择余地,”他说,而IT可能就是一个比较保险的选择。

8.He was one of those players who seemed destined to go deep at majors and beat the top two here and there, but not depver at crunch time.他似乎是注定要成为夺得大满贯和击败世界前2的选手之一,但在关键时刻总是无法实现。

9.There is, I think, a bit of a difference in psyche between nutrition majors and food studies majors.我总觉得营养专业的人和食品研究专业的人的认知是有那么一点儿不一样的。

10.Now, while other majors lop off a bilpon or two of capex here and there, PetroChina is still spending through the cycle.如今,当其它巨头在这里或那里削减10亿或20亿美元的资本支出时,中石油仍在周期内支出。