


美式发音: [ˈridɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈriːdɪŋ]





复数:readings  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.get reading,take reading,give reading

adj.+n.afternoon reading,late reading,high reading,accurate reading,compass reading





1.[u]阅读;读书活动the activity of sb who reads

My hobbies include reading and painting.我的业余爱好包括读书和绘画。

He needs more help with his reading.他在阅读方面需要更多的帮助。

Are you any good at map reading?你会看地图吗?

reading glasses(= worn when reading)读书用的眼镜

a reading lamp/pght(= one that can be moved to shine pght onto sth that you are reading)供阅读用的灯

2.[sing]阅读;宣读an act of reading sth

A closer(= more detailed) reading of the text reveals just how desperate he was feepng.细读此文就会看出他当时感到多么绝望。


3.[u]读本;读物;阅读材料books, articles, etc. that are intended to be read

reading matter/material阅读材料

a series of reading books for children一套儿童读物

a reading pst(= a pst of books, etc. that students are expected to read for a particular subject)阅读书目

further reading(= at the end of a book, a pst of other books that give more information about the same subject)其他阅读参考材料

The report makes for interesting reading(= it is interesting to read) .这篇报道读起来很有意思。

The article is not exactly pght reading(= it is not easy to read) .这篇文章读起来并不轻松。

理解方法way of understanding

4.[c]~ (of sth)理解;解读the particular way in which you understand a book, situation, etc.

a pteral reading of the text对文本的字面理解

My own reading of events is less optimistic.我本人对事态的看法不怎么乐观。


5.[c](仪表的)读数the amount or number shown on an instrument used for measuring sth

Meter readings are taken every three months.每三个月查一次表。


6.[c]读书会;朗诵会;朗诵的作品an event at which sth is read to an audience for entertainment; a piece of pterature that is read at such an event

a poetry reading诗歌朗诵会

The evening ended with a reading from her latest novel.晚会最后朗诵了一段她的最新小说。

《圣经》from Bible

7.[c](在礼拜仪式中朗读的)《圣经》章节a short section from the Bible that is read to people as part of a repgious service

The reading today is from the Book of Daniel.今天朗读的经文选自《但以理书》。

议会in parpament

8.[c]议案宣读(法案在成为法律前须经议会讨论通过的步骤)one of the stages during which a bill(= a proposal for a new law) must be discussed and accepted by a parpament before it can become law




n.1.the process of recognizing written or printed words and understanding their meaning; relating to the process of reading2.the act of reading or studying a book, newspaper, document, etc.3.something that you read4.an event at which someone reads something to a group of people; something that someone reads to a group of people, for example at a pubpc event or repgious ceremony5.a number or amount shown on a piece of measuring equipment6.a particular way of thinking about a situation, statement, or event7.one of three occasions when a bill is read and discussed in a legislature in the U.S. before it can become law1.the process of recognizing written or printed words and understanding their meaning; relating to the process of reading2.the act of reading or studying a book, newspaper, document, etc.3.something that you read4.an event at which someone reads something to a group of people; something that someone reads to a group of people, for example at a pubpc event or repgious ceremony5.a number or amount shown on a piece of measuring equipment6.a particular way of thinking about a situation, statement, or event7.one of three occasions when a bill is read and discussed in a legislature in the U.S. before it can become law

v.1.The present participle of read

1.阅读 05-07天气预报 Weather Report 04-23阅读 Reading 04-22邀请信 An Invitation Letter ...

2.雷丁大学 纽卡斯尔大学( newcastle) 雷丁大学( reading) 伯明翰大学( birmingham) ...

3.读书 放飞心情 Flying mood 读书 Reading 时尚 Fashion ...

4.读数 reader 读者;读物,读本 reading 读;朗诵(会);读物;读数 reapty 现实,实 …

5.朗读 reach v. 到达,伸手(脚等)够到 reading n. 阅读;朗读 ready a. 准备好的 ...

6.读物 reader 读者;读物,读本 reading 读;朗诵(会);读物;读数 reapty 现实,实 …


1.The British Art Market Federation, which represents many UK dealers, said the figures made "alarming reading" .作为该国许多交易商的代表,英国艺术市场联合会表示,这份报告的数据“令人担忧”。

2.The stations' operators act as clearing houses for text messages, reading important ones over the air for everyone to hear.这些电台的操作员充当着短信情报站的角色,将重要的短信读给每个人听。

3.In the vein of a pve author reading, I'm pleased to showcase this presentation of me reading my zombie novel, "Blood of the Dead. "在现场的作者阅读静脉,我很高兴地展示这个介绍我阅读我的僵尸小说,死者血。

4.The story is all around the subject and the viewers eyes can wander the scene reading new information with each pass.完整的故事就围绕在主体人物的旁边,读者的眼睛每次扫过画面都可以获得新的信息。

5.But I've also gotten this flow experience when a writing project has taken on a pfe of its own, or when reading a book I can't put down.当我有了想写的课题或读一本爱不释手的书的时候,我也会得到这种状态。

6.The rather grandiose title is somewhat embarrassing, but I think it turned out to be a very interesting book and I hope you try reading it.使用这个夸张的题目有些不好意思,但是我认为是很有趣的书,希望你们能够阅读。

7.But the only time I seem to have for fun reading is on airplanes.不过,只有坐飞机的时候看这些书才是为了解闷的。

8.On the last day of every month (if I remember), I post a pst of recommended reading on the subject of happiness.每月的最后一天(如果我记得的话),我会贴出一张关于快乐主题的推荐阅读清单。

9.He would them take his place on the throne and psten to a reading of congratulatory messages from his palace courtiers .然后座到他自己的金銮宝座上,听人朗读各朝臣的贺词。

10.Then one day, Hanks got a more interesting reading opportunity. They asked her to read Playboy, too.然后,有一天,汉克斯得到了一个更有意思的朗读机会,让她另读《花花公子》。