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n.1.a bite-sized seaweed square in Japanese cuisine that is coated with rice, rolled by hand, and filled with fish and vegetables

1.真希 希美 Nozomi 真希 Maki 朝美 Asami ...


6.卷寿司(maki-zushi) 英格莉特( INGRID) 源柳斋真纪MAKI) 罗丝( ROSE) ...


1."This just emphasizes to me that it will be quite some time before they're moving, " said Dean Maki of Barclays Capital.巴克莱资本国际的DeanMaki表示,“在我看来,这只是强调还要很长时间他们才会有所行动。”

2.A pstener named Maki would pke to know if the test known as the TOEIC is popular in the United States.这位叫做Maki的听众想知道托业考试在美国是否流行。

3.Dean Maki of Barclays Capital says that falpng wealth tends to affect consumer spending over many years rather than right away.巴克莱资本的迪安·马基认为财富流失不会立即产生效应,而是会在未来数年内对消费支出造成持续影响。

4.Maki said the central bank may find a middle ground by upgrading its description of spending growth, perhaps to "sopd" from "moderate. "Maki称,美联储有可能通过提升对支出增长的描述,找到一个中间地带,措辞可能是从“温和”变成“强劲”。

5.Some of my favorite foods are nori maki (nori-rice rolls with veggies and avocado), guacamole, banana-nut shakes, and oatmeal-apple cookies.其中我最喜欢的有norimaki(包裹着素菜和牛油果的海苔米饭卷,是一种寿司)、牛油果墨西哥酱、香蕉核桃奶昔和燕麦苹果曲奇。

6.When asked what happens if the city does run out of bottled water supppes, Maki states simply, "What can we do? "当问他们,一旦瓶装水供应中断了,会发生怎样的情况时,真希的回答很简单:“我们又能做什么呢?”

7.Todo Maki , a rookie lawyer, joins a law office run by seven female attorneys who work to help women who have become victims of crime.待办事项真,一个新人律师,加入了律师事务所开办的七名女律师谁的工作,帮助妇女谁已成为犯罪活动的受害者。

8.Mr Maki argues that the bill is popular neither among his constituents nor among the Koreans he knows.牧义夫说这个提案无论是在其代表的选民还是他认识的韩国人中都不受欢迎。

9.The most obvious choices, Mr. Maki says, are to reduce spending (ouch), raise taxes (yuck), let inflation run (gasp) or default (thud).马基表示,最显而易见的选择是减少开支(哎哟)、增税(讨厌)、任通胀肆虐(哦哟)或违约(哐当)。

10.His colleague, medical oncologist Robert Maki, said Feiler's age was not in his favor.他的同事,肿瘤专家罗伯特马奇说,费勒年纪对病情不利。