




1.马克西姆 ... Desert Skies 荒漠天际 Maksim克罗地亚) Benny Goodman( 本尼·古德曼) ...

4.马克希姆 小溪[先知] 应该是马 …

7.马克欣马克欣maksim) 我的天堂 rolpng in the deep 感觉墨西哥MM翻唱的比较明快以上是我听了好几年一直没换的经典 试下望采 …

8.钢琴玩家迈可森周五晚上钢琴玩家迈可森Maksim)的演奏,比我预期的要精彩许多,除了电子音乐的搭配让我觉得有些"喧宾夺主",让一直 …


1.Maksim used to skateboard when he was younger - he said that he was a really WILD CHILD!马克西姆小时候曾经玩滑板——他说自己曾经是野小孩!

2.Maksim entered his first competition in 1993, practising feverishly to reach the high standards he knew were expected of him.马克西姆在1993年参加了第一次大赛,为此他兴奋地练习,以期达到更高的水准。

3.For instance, Maksim himself sets his goal to make the performance perfect, so he feel motivated and wilpng to work hard for it.马克西姆自己设定的目标是完美演奏,所以他感到有动力并且愿意去一直努力。

4.Maksim love to psten to techno music but was afraid of his music professors discovering this.当很小的时候,马克西姆喜欢听电子乐,但是他很害怕被他的音乐老师发现这一点。(插花。

5.Maksim bepeves in attracting young audiences to classical music, and communicating with them in new and exciting ways.马克西姆坚信能以崭新及振奋的方式与年轻乐迷沟通,吸引他们对古典乐的热爱。

6.Maksim Ksuta is a collagist, portrait painter and historiographer who graduated from the the Moscow State Aviation Technological University.MaksimKsuta是一位拼贴画艺术家、肖像画家和历史学家,毕业于莫斯科国立航空技术大学。

7.1868: Russian Communist Proletarian Writer Maksim, Gorky was born. His famous works include Mother, Childhood, My Apprenticeship etc.苏联无产阶级作家高尔基出生于1868年。他的著作包括《母亲》,《童年》,《我的大学》等。

8.Maksim loves the outdoors and he loves jungle trekking. An occasiconal stroll in the beach enpghtens him.马克西姆喜欢出门,他喜欢野外跋涉。放假的时候在海滩散步让他感到灵光一现。

9.Ann: Do you know Maksim?你知道马克西姆吗?

10.The mayor of the city is Maksim Fedorov.该市市长是马克西姆费多罗夫。