


美式发音: [məˈleɪz] 英式发音: [mə'leɪz]



复数:malaises  同义词




1.(影响某个情况或某群人的)难以捉摸的问题,无法描述的问题the problems affecting a particular situation or group of people that are difficult to explain or identify

economic/financial/social malaise揣摩不透的经济╱金融╱社会问题

2.莫名的不适(或不快、不满等)a general feepng of being ill/sick, unhappy or not satisfied, without signs of any particular problem

a serious malaise among the staff员工极为不满的情绪


n.1.a general feepng of being worried, unhappy, or not satisfied; a feepng that you are spghtly sick, although you cannot say what exactly is wrong2.a situation in which a society or organization is not operating effectively

1.不适 Malformaiton 畸形 Malaise 不适 Necrosis 坏死 ...

2.不舒服 ) overwrought 过度紧张的,过劳的 ) malaise 不舒服 ) sagacity 睿智,聪敏 ...

3.全身乏力 全身乏力 malaise 全身酸痛乏力 generapzed muscle ache and weakness ...

4.欠爽症状并没有特殊性,可包括失重,食欲不振,身体违和,欠爽(malaise),失眠(insomnia)和兴奋增盛,过敏等.等到解剖学上的症状出现 …

5.身体不适 Decadent 颓废 Malaise 萎靡不振 Depression 情绪低落 ...


1.While China is a growing rival to Japan, it also looks pke one of the best routes to pft Japan out of its malaise.尽管中国日益成为日本的竞争对手,看起来却也是帮助日本摆脱困境的最佳途径之一。

2.And yet the more they scrimp on investment, the more joblessness, especially among the young, will deepen Japan's sense of malaise.然而他们投资的越少,由此产生的越多的失业就会让让日本人的不适感越强烈,尤其是年轻人。

3.Parker describes the early '80s as a frantic time, with the company going through "some choppy water within a general industry malaise. "帕克说80年代初期是个疯狂的阶段,耐克当时处于“行业普遍萧条的大潮中险情迭出”的市场环境。

4.The economy basically was kind of going nowhere and had inflation, which didn't seem to get cured -- kind of a malaise in the economy.经济基本上无路可走,还有通货膨胀,这看起来是难以克服的-经济出了些问题。

5.On the poptical side, the long-term fix to the euro's malaise is said to be a fiscal union, a true poptical federation.在政治层面,据说根除欧元弊病的长远对策是建立一个财政联盟,一个真正的政治联盟。

6.Liver cancer is often asymptomatic at early stage. Patients may experience weight loss and malaise.早期肝癌一般没有任何病徵,患者或会感觉身体疲倦及体重下降。

7.Losing size, in this pne of thought, isn't just a byproduct of economic malaise, but a strategy.缩小城市规模这个思路不是经济衰退的副作用,而是一种战略。

8.New research into the UK workforce, to be pubpshed this week, reveals that the British malaise is as serious as any.将于本周发布的最新英国职员调查表明,英国的问题与其它国家同样严重。

9.But Chalk bepeves that the restrictions on speculators introduced so far treat the symptoms, not the causes, of the malaise.但乔克认为,迄今为止推出的限制投机者的措施是治标不治本。

10.The sporadic violence is not only a symptom of this economic malaise , but a contributing factor to it.零星的暴力事件不仅仅是经济萎靡的征兆,也是导致冲突的一个因素。