


美式发音: 英式发音: [mə'lefɪsnt]




adj.1.犯罪的,做坏事的;有害的 (to);邪恶的

adj.1.causing harm or doing evil intentionally, or capable of such acts

1.梅尔菲森特 malefactor 作恶者,罪犯 maleficent 有害的,邪恶的 malevolent 恶毒,恶意的 ...

4.心怀叵测 心怀叵测maleficent;harbourconcealedintentions;prodsly;withhiddenintent〗 心爱〖 love〗 ...

5.犯罪的 Malefice 憎恶 maleficent 有害的,犯罪的 Demonic Conversion 转化 ...

6.做坏事的 maleficence 罪行 maleficent 做坏事的 maleic acid 顺丁烯二酸 ...

7.巫婆玛列菲森《睡美人》的巫婆玛列菲森Maleficent)对还是婴儿的奥萝拉公主下诅咒,真是有够幼稚!《狮子王》的刀疤(Scar)为了夺 …


1.All indications point to Maleficent being more sympathetic in this updated version -- or at least better understood.在这个版本中所有关于梅尔菲森特的剧情都更让人同情,或者至少更让人理解。

2.Once upon a dream , gifted with grace and beauty , the lovely Princess Aurora provokes the jealousy of the wicked fairy Maleficent .在很久很久以前,一位美丽又善良的公主奥萝拉,受到恶毒女巫的妒忌,要加害于她。

3.Maleficent: Behold, King Stefan's castle, and in yonder topmost tower, dreaming of her true love, the Princess Aurora.看,斯蒂芬的城堡,在那边塔的顶端里,奥罗拉公主正在梦着她的真爱。

4.Not maleficent, do not worry to be searched by person pork?不做坏事,就不担心被人肉搜索?

5.Maleficent : You poor simple fools. Thinking you could defeat me, me, the Mistress of all evil!马雷菲森:你们这帮可怜的蠢货,还想战胜我,我,万恶之王!

6.The photograph that hopes then the individual does not take me goes maleficent good.希望那个人不要拿我的照片去做坏事就好了。

7.Maleficent: . . . a vapant figure, straight and tall, to wake his love with love's first kiss, and prove that true love conquers all.一个勇敢的高大的身躯,将用他的爱的初吻唤醒他的爱,并证明真爱可以征服一切。

8.Inside this industry, everybody does not want to go maleficent , everybody does not want to do the business that harm user experiences.在这个行业里面,谁都不想去做坏事,谁也不想做伤害用户感受的事情。

9.Maleficent and her raven watch the scene with deep satisfaction.莫丽菲森和她的黑乌鸦满意的看着这一幕。

10.Sense only the "maleficent contacts" and shut them out.只感知“有害接触”并拒之门外。