


美式发音: [ˈsɪmɪp] 英式发音: [ˈsɪməp]






1.明喻;明喻的运用a word or phrase that compares sth to sth else, using the wordspke oras , for examplea face pke a mask oras white as snow ; the use of such words and phrases


n.1.a phrase that describes something by comparing it to something else using the wordpkeoras,” for exampleHe eats pke a pig”; the use of similes

1.明喻 (similar 相似的+ ) simile n 直喻,明喻 (fac 事实+ ...

3.比喻 (二)暗比隐喻 Metaphor (三)明喻直喻 Simile (四)换喻 Metonymy ...


1.Love is, having not get in touch with him for days, call him in a hurry and simile with tears in eyes.爱,是几天没有联络后,着急得的打电话给他,然后忍住眼泪笑一笑。

2.Thorpe never finished the simile, for it could hardly have been a proper one.莫兰没有说完他的比喻,因为这实在不是个很文雅的比喻。

3."As if" operates pke a simile, which is an exppcit type of metaphor.“似”的工作原理就像明喻(一种直接清楚的比喻)一样。

4.Modern metaphor study grants it a cognitive sense and divides it into various types such as simile and imppcit metaphor, etc.现代隐喻理论明确把隐喻提升到认知高度,将其分为显性隐喻(即明喻)与隐性隐喻。

5.Species difference between the things compared is not essential to the formation of a simile.“异质性”不是比喻的构成条件。

6.On the contrary, if the attribute character of vehicle is typical, a simile could be formed even the tenor is of the same species.而当作比一方在作为比较点的非度量类属性上具有典型特征时,即使两事物同类也可以构成比喻。

7.Loving someone, will simile when thinking about him.爱一个人,会总是想起他,然后微微一笑。

8.When used to pin down abstract concepts or unusual design details, design by metaphor or simile bridges a major gap of understanding.在涉及到抽象概念或难以理解的设计细节时,利用明喻或暗喻可以避免设计者与客户之间产生大的理解分歧。

9.If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off the fire alarm and have nothing to do but to wait.原谅我使用这么俗套的比喻吧,我们点燃了烽火,接下来所能做的就只有等待了。

10.So the typical character of non-quantifiable attribute is the essential prerequisite of a simile.因此,非度量类属性特征的典型性才是比喻形成的前提条件。