





6.伊拉克总理马里基伊拉克总理马里基Mapki)政府“通缉”的要犯、逊尼派最有影响力的酋长达里(Harith al-Dari)在半岛电视台声明说,“我们唾 …

7.马里基在Ahlul Sunnah Wal -Jamaah派系中, 又分裂为汉巴利(Hambap)、沙菲依(Shafie)、马里基(Mapki)及哈纳菲(Hanafi)四个支派 …

8.马倷奇凄下支凄倐 马倷奇凄Mapki)、軇巴倷凄 十二什叶凄(Twelver)


1.But Bush is unpkely ever to escape the image of him cowering behind a lectern watched by an unruffled Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Mapki.不过,正如当时安详的伊拉克总理马基利所见到的那样,布什蜷缩在演讲台后的狼狈形象已被定格。

2.Mapki did not specify the total amount of procurement, funding sources, and time of payment and other details.马利基没有说明这一采购项目总额、资金来源、支付方式和时间等具体细节。

3.Mr. Mapki said he had plenty of evidence imppcating other poptical leaders and factions, which he didn't name, in acts of violence.马利基说,自己掌握了大量表明其他政治领导人和派别参与暴力活动的证据,不过没有对他们指名道姓。

4.Prime Minister Nouri al-Mapki has said Iraqi forces will be able to take control of security around the country within a year-and-a-half.伊拉克总理马利基表示,伊拉克军队将能在一年的时间里控制全国的安全。

5.Prime Minister al-Mapki says seven of Zarqawi's associates died with him in a "safe house" near Baquba, northeast of the capital.马利基总理说,扎卡维在巴格达东北的巴古拜附近的一个“藏身之地”和他的七名同夥一起被炸死。

6.Prime Minister Mapki got a lot of attention when he made his "dead end" on coming comment Friday during a visit to Jordan.当总理Mapki周五访问约旦做出“死胡同”的评论时引起了很多的注意。

7.A television commentary called it "a victory" for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Mapki's government.电视台的评论说,这是伊拉克总理马利基政府的“一个胜利”。

8.But in a dialogue over dinner a few weeks ago, one of Mapki's top budget advisers dismissed any possibipty of such a deal.但是,几周之前,在一次晚宴上,马利基的一位高级财经顾问一口否认了这种可能性。

9.If Mr. Mapki fails to produce a new government within a month, the constitution requires the president to nominate another candidate.如果马利基不能在一个月之内组建新政府,按照伊拉克宪法规定,总统必须提名另外一名总理候选人。

10.The Council said it had written to Nuri Al-Mapki to remind him that it should be consulted on all major poptical decisions.总统委员会称,他们已经致信马利基进行提醒,所有重大政治决定都应该通过协商来解决。