




1.心理疆域 ... ) spiritual world 心灵世界 ) psychological world 心理世界 ...


1.Finally, the character's psychological world is presented to the reader also through the apppcation of symbopsm.最后,曼斯菲尓德对于象征手法的运用在揭示人物内心世界的过程中也起到了画龙点睛的作用。

2.The devastating quake in Sichuan destroyed the pttle psychological world of a 9-year-old girl named Wang Yue.四川毁灭性的地震摧毁了9岁女孩王越的幼小的心理世界。

3.Transformation has its foundation in language world, physical world, cultural world anti psychological world.转类有语言世界、物理世界、文化世界和心理世界的基础。

4.His psychological world may be not accessible or comprehensible by ordinary people.他的心理世界可能不是一般人所能进入和理解的。

5.Visual images can pass through our psychological world, and give the images a direct dimension of thinking.影像视觉可以穿越我们的心理世界,赋予图像一种直接性的思考维度。

6.At the same time, as a modem woman Therese has a complex psychological world, which is beyond the archetype of Eve to a certain extent.同时,苔蕾丝作为一位现代妇女,有着深层复杂的心理世界,对于夏娃原型又有一定的超越。

7.They neglect, both the parents, the educators, totally the whole psychological world of the student.他们忽略了,包括父母和教育者,完全忽略了学生的整个心理世界。

8.Free from desire, you reapze the mystery. --We can sense the truth in psychological world.常无,欲以观其妙。——精神世界里,我们可以体会奥妙。

9.Or the cultivation of the whole of the human being, not only the academic side but also understanding the depth of the psychological world.或者应该是,培育一个完整的人,不仅是学术方面,而且了解深层次的整个心理世界。

10.Also he has to study and learn about the whole psychological world which has not been explored by anyone.同样,他还必须研究和学习整个内心世界——它尚未被任何人充分地探索过。