


美式发音: [mɑˈjɔrkɑ] 英式发音: [mɑ:ˈjɔ:kə]





1.马略卡岛 ... 阿尔贝塞特( Albacete) 皇家马洛卡( Mallorca) 西班牙人( Espanyol) ...

6.西班牙马约卡去一趟西班牙马约卡Mallorca),不给大家介绍一下这个地方似乎过意不去。这个岛位于地中海的东部,一个遍布橄榄林和柑 …


1.The Astronomical Observatory of Mallorca said it was a tribute to "one of the greatest tennis players of all time" .马略卡天文观测中心称,用纳达尔的名字为小行星命名是为了“向这位网坛最伟大的球员”致敬。

2.Mallorca: Oh dear. New owners should have brought stabipty but instead coach Manzano has been busy falpng out with his bosses.马略卡:我的天,新东家让球队更加稳定,但教练————一直与老板们吵得不可开交。

3.He kept his place in the side the following week for the game against Real Mallorca.他接下来一周对皇家马约卡的比赛中他依然继续踢同样的位置。

4.It was built after defeating Islamic forces in 1230, which had conquered Mallorca before.该教堂建于1230年,也就是在西班牙打退曾经占领马略卡岛的伊斯兰军之后建立的。

5.Ashley Cole was a promising forward in the Arsenal youth team, whilst Lauren had impressed for Mallorca as a ball-playing midfielder.在阿森纳青年队中,阿什利科尔是一个有前途的前锋,同时劳伦在马洛卡打控球中场也让人印象深刻。

6.The Manacori, who witnessed Mallorca's loss, confirmed the injury that separated him from glory at the Rod Laver Arena.这个刚见证了马洛卡失利的马拉科人确认这次受伤让他与罗德拉沃尔球场的荣耀擦肩而过。

7.However, he was unable to play in the deciding game against Mallorca due to a hamstring tear.然而由于腿伤,他在对马约卡的关键比赛中无法上场。

8.Before he arrived from Manchester, England, Spain Palma De Mallorca Airport Mallorca Island.日前他从英国曼彻斯特乘飞机抵达西班牙马略卡岛的帕尔马机场。

9.Members of the group were expected to arrive at Palma de Mallorca international airport Sunday afternoon.组合的成员将于周日下午抵达帕尔马国际机场。

10.His first Toothpick City, called History of Skyscrapers, was sold to a museum in Mallorca, Spain.他的首个名为“摩天大楼历史”的“牙签城”卖给了西班牙马略卡岛的一家博物馆。