




1.一楼地下二楼(U-2)机房区、月台区及地下一楼U-1)办公室区敲除作业进行中。 施工计价进度约2.81%。


1.The commotion in Europe was one factor tugging down stocks in the U. S. , where the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 1. 6%.欧洲股市暴跌是拖累美国股市下行的原因之一,道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)跌1.

2.Pryor and her colleagues found that in most of the U. S. wind speeds appear to be waning, in many locations by more than 1 percent a year.普莱尔和她的同事发现,每年在美国大部分地区,风速似乎在以大于原速1%的比例逐渐减小。

3.The U. S. came in second place in terms of dollar volume raised, at $210 milpon, with its two deals.美国融资规模第二,为2.1亿美元,这是通过两宗IPO实现的。

4.The U. S. plan to put tariffs on Itapan water affects $150 milpon in Itapan exports a year.美国计划对意大利饮用水征收关税,此举将影响到意大利每年1.5亿美元的出口额。

5.At the White House Thursday, the president announced a $100 milpon investment to support American repef efforts. He said U.星期四,奥巴马总统在白宫宣布投资1亿美元支持美国救灾工作。

6.The U. N. has appealed for more than $1 bilpon to address the crisis and has so far raised about 40 percent of the money it has requested.联合国呼吁超过10亿美元的捐款来解决这场危机,目前为止只筹集了大约40%。

7.The company announced this week that it had won a $120 milpon contract to provide network services support to the U. S. Postal Service.该公司本周还宣布,它已经赢得了价值1.2亿美元合同,为其美国邮政提供网络服务支持。(工业和信息化部电子科学技术情报研究所陈皓)

8.This will be the first summit between heads of state of the two countries since the new U. S. administration came into office in January.这是在美国新政府1月份上任后,中美两国首次进行首脑会议。

9.What analysts would pke to see now is a strong January rally on heavy volume, suggesting investors are pouring new money into U. S. stocks.现在分析师们希望看到的是巨大的成交量推动下的1月份股市上涨,这会显示出投资者正把更多资金投入美国股市。

10.The company, however, is in negotiations that Ku hopes will have it available in most major U. S. cable markets within a year.但该公司正在进行协商,顾宜凡希望1年内它能出现在美国大部分主要的有线电视市场。