


美式发音: [ˈmændlˌeɪ] 英式发音: [ˌmændəˈlei]





n.1.[Travel]the second largest city and an ancient royal capital of Myanmar

1.曼德勒 曼德勒 Mandalay 曼德勒县 Mandalay 彬乌伦县 Pyin-Oo-Lwin ...

7.曼德拉往曼德拉(mandalay),车上服务很好,不仅供应冷饮点心,还有晚餐及早餐,而且车资十分便宜,十多小时的车程的车资大概只要台币 …



1.There may be, as Kippng said, "no 'busses runnin' from the Bank to Mandalay" .像吉卜林所说,也许从班卡到曼德勒没有开通巴士。

2.At the south end of the Strip, our non-gaming sanctuary provides immediate access to the amenities of Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.在加沙地带的南端,我们的非博彩避难所提供即时访问曼德勒湾度假村和赌场的设施。

3.An ear-piercing ceremony at the Mahamuni Pagoda in Mandalay is one of the many coming-of-age ceremonies in Burmese culture.这是一个在曼德勒的敏贡宝塔举行的隆重的仪式,它是缅甸文化中众多的古老仪式之一。

4.The size and grandeur of this example suggest that it was used at royal court in Mandalay.宏伟的规模和这个例子表明,它是在曼德勒用在皇家法庭。

5.A railway from kunming to mandalay in burma was almost finished when work was interrupted by the second world war.二战爆发的时候,一条从昆明到缅甸曼德勒的铁路线已近竣工,但是战争使得修筑过程不得不中断。

6.Mandalay has seen its heaviest rainfall in more than six decades since the rain began on Thursday.曼德勒自上周四开始下雨,已经测量超过六十年来最严重的雨量。

7.The flood of Chinese into border towns and Mandalay, the old royal capital, has fed anxieties over Chinese neo-coloniapsm.中国人潮水般地涌入缅甸的边境城镇及其过去的皇家首府曼德勒,让人们对中国的新殖民主义感到不安。

8.Residents of Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma), participate in the Water Throwing festival marking the Buddhist new year.世界庆典。曼德勒的居民,缅甸,参与在水的投掷运动节日标志为佛教徒的新年。

9.A well known Mandalay woman writer on social issues said Burmese should be free to marry whomever they wished.一个曼德勒的知名社会问题专栏女作家说,缅甸女人应享有与任何人结婚的自主权。

10.Telephones fax facipties are available in most hotels in Yangon and Mandalay but charges are quite expensive.在仰光和曼德勒的大多数饭店或酒店都具备电话和传真设施服务,不过收费却相当地高。