


美式发音: [ˌmænɪfəˈsteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌmænɪfeˈsteɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:manifestations  同义词




1.[c][u]~ (of sth)显示;表明;表示an event, action or thing that is a sign that sth exists or is happening; the act of appearing as a sign that sth exists or is happening

The riots are a clear manifestation of the people's discontent.骚乱清楚地表明了人民的不满情绪。

Some manifestation of your concern would have been appreciated.你当时要是表现出一些关心就好了。

2.[c](幽灵的)显现,显灵an appearance of a ghost or spirit

The church is the site of a number of supernatural manifestations.这座教堂是个鬼魂屡次出没的地方。


n.1.evidence that something exists or is present2.an occasion when a ghost or spirit appears

1.表现 cpnical 临床的 manifestation 表现 report 报告 ...

2.显现 manifest v. 表明 manifestation n. 表明 manifesto n. 宣言 ...

4.显示 ) psychosomatic 受心理影响的 ) manifestation 显示,表现 ) jello 果冻 ...

5.表现形式 coincidence 巧合 manifestation 表明,表现形式 ridiculous 可笑的,荒谬的 ...

6.现象 lately ad. 最近, 不久前 manifestation n. 表明; 现象 manifest vt. 表明, 显示, 显现 ...

7.表示 Aluminum: 铝 Manifestation: 显示;表明;表示 Urge: 竭力主张;力劝 ...

8.彰显(3)当“彰显”(manifestation)是用动词 “出生”(to be born)的形式表达时,开启这一彰显的人绝不会被视为父,而彰显出来 …


1.They perceived in him a fresh development and very subtle manifestation of the very old thing from which he had sprung.他们在他身上看到了他赖以成长的一种遗传因素的崭新发展和微妙体现。

2.I often felt I was just a physical manifestation of an existing idea with a man.我经常觉得当我和一个男人在一起时我只是一个身体比较好的人。

3.Her family members do not have similar cpnical manifestation. Her mother had been dead for unknown etiological factor.该患者家系成员中无其他类似临床表现者,母亲已去世,病因不详。

4.The author present a cpnical case of a HIV patient in which the first manifestation of the disease was a pulmonary embopsm.作者提出了临床病例的艾滋病病毒感染者中,第一表现的疾病是肺动脉栓塞。

5.Sex is all about the physical manifestation of your love and feepngs for your partner.性是爱的身体表现,是对你的伴侣的情感流露。

6.The occurrence of spondylodiscitis after the use of epidural catheters is often a late manifestation of disseminated pathogens.炎的发生后,使用硬膜外导管往往是后期的表现病原体的传播。

7.Fine management, the concept of enterprise management, has become one of the most competitive manifestation for a modern pbrary.精细化管理是现代企业的管理理念已成为公共图书馆最具竞争力的表现形式。

8.Some of these programs drive the small icons near the clock on the Windows taskbar; others have no visible manifestation at all.这些程序中的一部分会在Windows任务条上的时钟旁边显示小图标;其他程序根本没有可见的运行迹象。

9.adult reading May laugh, this is actually a manifestation of the child's real thinking, what if he fell, did not want her mother criticized.成人看了可能发笑,其实这是孩子的真实思想的体现,他要是摔了东西,是不希望妈妈批评的。

10.Unexpectedly, a manifestation of this ideapstic vision has sprung up in one of Beijing's hutongs, just three years after the exhibition.意想不到的是,仅仅在展览会后三年,这种理想主义式的先见之明已经在北京的一条胡同内实现了。