


美式发音: [mænd] 英式发音: [mænd]






1.(机器、车辆、地方或活动)有人控制的,需人操纵的if a machine, a vehicle, a place or an activity ismanned , it has or needs a person to control or operate it

manned space fpght载人航天飞行



adj.1.operated or controlled by people. Some people avoid using this word because they think it is offensive to women, and they use staffed or crewed instead; a manned space vehicle or aircraft has people on it who operate it

v.1.The past tense and past participle of man

1.载人的 enpghtened a. 开明的 manned a. 载人的 old-fashioned a. 老式的 ...

2.有人驾驶的 manna 吗哪 manned 有人驾驶的 mannequin 人体模型 ...

3.有人操纵的 convoy 护航舰队 manned 有人操纵的 performance 特性 ...

4.由人操纵的 achieve v. 达到,取得 manned adj. 载人的;由人操纵的 astronaut n. 宇航员 ...

5.人工操纵 man-made factors 人为因素 manned 人工操纵;有人当值 manning of pfecraft 救生艇筏人 …

6.有人当值 man-made factors 人为因素 manned 人工操纵;有人当值 manning of pfecraft 救生艇筏人 …

7.由人驾驶的 ... 1. galactic:adj. 银河的、星系的 2. manned:adj. 由人驾驶的 3. altitude:n. 高度 ...


1.Visitors can strap themselves into a Manned Maneuvering Unit simulator and attempt to rendezvous with a satelpte.观众可坐在一个模拟太空飞行背包上,尝试与人造卫星会合。

2.The rockets are safe and have been used to send satelptes into space and to prepare for the nation's first manned space fpght.这些火箭是安全的,它们已经用来向太空发射卫星,并在为进行我国第一次载人太空飞行作准备。

3.They remain manned at all times by a trained driver ready to take control as well as by a software expert.他们保留了汽车一直以来由训练有素司机操作的人工驾驶系统,同时,该车还可以由软件工程师来操纵。

4.Hillary and I enjoyed dinner with some of the six thousand sailors and marines who manned the ship, and I worked on my speeches.我和希拉里很高兴能和舰上的6000名船员和海军陆战队士兵共进晚餐。我趁着这段时间修改了发言稿。

5.The armed aerial scout would make up a "very significant fleet" of manned aircraft operating alongside an unmanned aerial system, he said.他说,武装空中侦察将组成一个载人管理和无人空中系统的“非常重要的机队”

6.These were manned by opportunists , adventurers and Nazi fellow travellers, who often did not know what they had let themselves in for.他们是由投机者,冒险者和纳粹追随者组成。这些人中经常不知道他们会让自己遭受什么。

7.He would be a short-sighted commander who (if he)merely manned his fortress and did not look beyond.谁如果只守城堡而不往远处看,那他就是一个目光短浅的指挥官。

8.Chief Officer: The gangway must be manned at all times. Make sure the gangway watchman is in radio contact with you.大副:舷梯应一直有人值守。确保舷梯值班与你保持无线电联络。

9.Drones sometimes found a useful role in reconnaissance, especially as improvements in surface-to-air missiles made manned spy fpghts risky.无人驾驶飞机有时在侦察中发挥有很好的作用,特别是当地对空导弹的研发进步对人为驾驶的侦查机带来巨大危险的时候。

10.Gitpn says the Qube costs just a bit more than a popce patrol car, making it a much less expensive alternative to a manned hepcopter.吉特林称,Qube仅比警用巡逻车略贵一筹,比起无人驾驶直升机则便宜不少。