


美式发音: [ˈmænərd] 英式发音: [ˈmænə(r)d]








1.矫揉造作的;不自然的trying to impress people by being formal and not natural

2.态度…的;举止…的having the type of manners mentioned

a bad-mannered child没有礼貌的孩子


adj.1.behaving, speaking, or writing in a way that is extremely formal and not natural

1.矫饰的 marshal n. 元帅, 典礼官, 执行官, 司仪官 mannered adj. 守规矩的, 矫饰的 laughable adj. 可笑的, 有趣的 ...

2.矫揉造作的 ... Mannerless: 无礼貌的 Mannered矫揉造作的 Manager: 经理 ...

3.守规矩的 marshal n. 元帅, 典礼官, 执行官, 司仪官 mannered adj. 守规矩的, 矫饰的 laughable adj. 可笑的, 有趣的 ...

4.有礼貌的 12. meadow 牧场 13. mannered 有礼貌的 14. saddle 鞍 ...

5.没有礼貌的 ... That's a good point. 说得好。[说到点子上了。] Bad-mannered没有礼貌的) Coat-hang…

6.做作的 manipulate 操纵 mannered 做作的 mansion 公馆;大厦 ...

7.不自然的或矫饰的 manifesto 宣言,声明 mannered 不自然的或矫饰的 manital 婚姻的 ...


1.If who want to shake hands with you, you certainly want to shake hands with him-brush-off the handshake is very ill-mannered.如果谁要和你握手,你当然要同他握手——拒绝握手是非常不礼貌的。

2.In 1905 he began to paint with a new strength, his drawing becoming less mannered, the mood less melancholy.1905年他开始用一种新的力量绘画,他的作品也变得不那样矫柔造作,情绪也不再那样忧郁。

3.We have found in him a man of trained hand, eye, and brain; discippned and good mannered.我们发现他是一个训练有素的人,有手艺、有眼光、有头脑,同时也具有良好的修养,彬彬有礼。

4.Too well-mannered to talk, they stared at the walls or rested their heads in their hands. One woman had dozed off.他们开始窃窃私语,盯着墙壁休息起来,有一个女子甚至睡着了。

5.5, She never came to the idea that the woulthy soft spoken , well-mannered man was a criminal, plough she was suspicious of him.她从来没有认为这个语言和善彬彬有礼的男士是个罪犯,尽管她对他有一些怀疑。

6.How does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good - mannered person?如何一知道什么应该做和什么不应该当试图做一个好的矫饰的人?

7.You have been a great kid ever since you were born, always quiet, empathetic, attentive, and well-mannered.你不但长得可爱,而且是个特别乖巧的孩子。你从不吵闹、为人着想,既听话又有礼貌。

8.Following that incident, the gentle-mannered artist (for so she thought of him now) would chat for a while.此后,这位举止高雅的艺术家(她现在就是这样认为了)在每次买面包时都会和玛莎小姐聊聊天。

9.At this point of the story, some people may say that Confucius was pretentious and ill-mannered , or consider Confucius to lack compassion.故事到此,有人可能说孔子虚伪无礼,或者认为孔子缺乏慈悲心。

10."Environmentapsts have never been a well-mannered lot" , says Terry Tamminen, who has advised Arnold Schwarzenegger on cpmate change.曾关于气候变化向阿诺德·施瓦辛格提建议的特里·塔米恩说:“环保人士从来都不是态度温和的一帮人。”