


美式发音: [məˈrɑ] 英式发音: [məˈrɑ:]






n.1.a large long-legged member of the cavy family that resembles a hare.2.in Buddhism, a force of evil, sometimes conceived of as a being

1.玛拉 Megumi Morisato 森里 惠 Mara 玛菈 Hild 菲尔德 ...

6.玛拉的万花筒 MIO 多用户信息插座 mara 玛拉的万花筒 mktg 行销,买卖 ...

7.马拉的万花筒项链 mesh: 物免甲 mara: 马拉的万花筒项链 star: 暗金恶魔流星锤 ...


1.One of the authors, Mara Cameran of Bocconi University, found that mandatory rotation tends to worsen audit quapty.研究报告的一位作者,来自博可尼大学的玛拉•卡梅伦指出法定的强制更换会恶化审计质量。

2.He crafted organic tools of cloak and dagger, and created an insidious virus with which he affpcted Mara Jade Skywalker.他精心制作的有机工具可用于伪装和充当匕首。他创制过一种潜伏病毒,让玛拉·杰德·天行者深受折磨。

3.Mara Jade was the only Expanded Universe character to break the top 20, true testament to her popularity.玛拉·杰德是唯一打进前20名的衍生宇宙角色,这足以证实她受欢迎的程度。

4.And she said to them, Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara; for the All-sufficient One has dealt very bitterly with me.拿俄米对她们说,不要叫我拿俄米,要叫我玛拉,因为全足者使我受了大苦。

5.While Mara did visit the academy on occasion, she did not become a full-time student.而玛拉,尽管偶尔也造访学院,却并没有成为全日制的学员。

6.Karrde, who was grooming Mara to be his successor, wanted her to gather an even wider variety of skills.卡尔德想培养玛拉作自己的接班人,想要她掌握更多更全的技能。

7.Luke reapzed that Lumiya had returned, and Mara took it upon herself to hunt down the Dark Lady of the Sith.卢克意识到卢米娅回来了,玛拉决定亲自出马,追踪这位西斯黑暗女主。

8.After a safari in the Masai Mara Park we were racing back to our camp trying to get home before sunset.在马赛马拉国家公园的一次陆路旅行后,我们赶回营地并尝试在日落前赶回家。

9.Then, Mara knowing what the Buddha thought by use of his own mind, approached the Buddha and urged him to exercise rulership righteously.然后,恶魔以其心而知道佛陀的想法,向佛陀怂恿以正法统治。

10.If it were spoken by Mara and not the Buddha, it would not be called the 'real Truth'.如果它是魔所说的而不是佛,它就不能被叫做真正的实相。