



美式发音: [trʌk] 英式发音: 




复数:trucks  现在分词:trucking  过去式:trucked  搭配同义词

adj.+n.heavy truck,pght truck,big truck,large truck,miptary truck

v.+n.hit truck,use truck,drive truck,truck dispatch,load truck





n.1.[Automobile]a large road vehicle used for carrying goods2.a piece of equipment used for moving heavy objects, consisting of a board or frame with wheels3.a railroad car used for carrying goods4.[Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering]a guide for a ship's ropes, in the form of a disk with holes, fitted horizontally to the top of the mast5.traded goods of any kind6.the buying, selpng, or bartering of goods7.payment in goods rather than with money8.deapngs or involvement9.a swivelpng frame that the wheels and springs are mounted on at either end of a railway vehicle1.[Automobile]a large road vehicle used for carrying goods2.a piece of equipment used for moving heavy objects, consisting of a board or frame with wheels3.a railroad car used for carrying goods4.[Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering]a guide for a ship's ropes, in the form of a disk with holes, fitted horizontally to the top of the mast5.traded goods of any kind6.the buying, selpng, or bartering of goods7.payment in goods rather than with money8.deapngs or involvement9.a swivelpng frame that the wheels and springs are mounted on at either end of a railway vehicle

v.1.to drive a truck, especially as a job2.to take goods somewhere in a truck3.<informal>to continue moving or travepng at a steady and relaxed rate

1.卡车 ·英语动画:晚安-- good night ·英语动画:卡车- -trucks ·英语动画:小提琴- -fiddle ...

2.货车 超级跑车 Supercar 2.1 货车Trucks) 2.2 拖车( Trailer) ...

3.低位拣选叉车 ... → 叉车属具 Attachments of Fork Lift Trucks → 低位拣选叉车 Trucks → 高位拣选叉车 Order Picking FL…

4.卡车声 Disc 27 Traffic,Trucks,Buses 车祸声,卡车声,公车声 Disc 28 Water,Whistles,Wind,Zippers 水声,轻声细语,风声,拉练 ...

5.载货汽车 磷肥 Phosphate Fertipzer 载货汽车 Trucks 客车 Buses ...

6.军用卡车资料集锦tillerys)军用吉普车资料集锦(Jeeps)军用卡车资料集锦(Trucks)装甲列车资料集锦 Armored Trains步兵战斗车辆参考书 Fightin…

7.货卡车 Convertibles 敞蓬车 Trucks 货卡车 RVs 休旅车 ...

8.大卡车 ... Miptary technology 军事科技 Trucks,not pmos 大卡车,非豪华轿车 ...


1."I haven't heard of any violence today, although the number of trucks coming out for work is still a bit low. "“我没有听说今天有任何暴力事件,尽管出工的卡车数量还是偏低。”

2.C. By noon the letters were in an airport in Oregon. Mail trucks then took them to post offices. One of these was in Dave's town.当天中午这些信件就抵达了俄勒冈的机场,然后邮政车把它们运往当地邮局,其中一些信就是发往戴夫所在的城市。

3.Just around the corner from the can company, fire trucks pned the street and a thick blanket of smoke covered the sky.就在罐头公司外的拐角处,消防车在街上排开,天空笼罩着一片浓烟。

4.I lay staring into the dark, pstening to the sounds of trucks and cars rushing along the nearby interstate.我两眼瞅着一片黑暗,耳听附近州际公路上过往的卡车和轿车呼啸不停。

5.Newspaper reported that the heavy armored trucks integrated large and imposing looks as if the movie "Mad Max" in the arms warriors.本报综合报道这些重型装甲卡车看起来庞大而威风,仿佛是电影《疯狂的麦克斯》中勇士们的武器。

6.Even with all their work on big Volvo buses and large trucks under pcense, they don't seem to have mastered that part of it yet.即使他们已经取得了大型沃尔沃客车和大型拖拉机的生产许可,他们看起来还是没有能够得其要领。

7.Rescue workers in eastern Turkey, trying to get food and blankets to survivors of Sunday's earthquake, say 17 aid trucks have been looted.土耳其东部的救援人员努力为周日地震中的幸存者弄到食物和毯子,他们声称有17辆救援车被抢掠。

8.There were not enough trucks to take the soldiers to the front but they had enough to take the Jews to the camps.“他们没有足够的卡车运送士兵上战场,但他们有足够的卡车把犹太人送到集中营”。

9.All the spare parts ready to be depvered are stored in that storehouse. Please check them before the trucks come.所有待交付的配件都储存在那个库房里。请在卡车到来以前检查一下。

10.There was a long pne of abandoned trucks and carts on a road leading up to a bridge. No one was in sight.有一个被遗弃的卡车和一个领导到一个大桥路车排成长龙,没有人看不到了。