


美式发音: [ˈmɑrɡərət] 英式发音: [ˈmɑ:ɡərit]





1.玛格丽特 Leila: 莉拉(美丽的黑发女子) Margaret玛格丽特(珍珠) Monica: …

2.玛格利特 Mariane 陈妙瑛 Margaret 王宇婕 Margret 锺丽淇 ...

7.玛格丽塔 Marcus 马库斯 Margaret 玛格丽塔 Margery 马杰里 ...

8.玛格丽特河产区区,这里气候以温带和亚热带气候为主,而澳洲西部则有玛格丽特河产区(Margaret),玛格丽特河常年气温均在20度以下,局 …


1.In her novel Cat's Eye, Margaret Atwood reveals the dark side in children's association.加拿大女作家阿特伍德在其小说《猫眼》中,揭示了儿童交往中的阴暗面。

2.Angela has a beautiful daughter, Margaret, who inspires Malachy to stop drinking for a while, but by the end of the chapter Margaret dies.安吉拉的美丽的女儿,玛格丽特,谁激发马拉奇停止饮用了一段时间,但到了第二章玛格丽特去世。

3."I never had any conjectures about it, " repped Margaret; "it was you who told me of it yourself. "“我从来没有猜测过,”玛格丽特答道,“那是你亲口告诉我的。”

4.Margaret learned how to observe things and write down what she saw, just as her mother had done with her.玛格利特学会如何观察事物并将眼睛看到的东西记录下来,就像她妈妈怀她的时候所做的事。

5.Margaret Spelpngs also spoke. She said the government will propose that states used the same methods when reporting graduation rates.教育秘书玛格丽特斯贝林也发了言。她说政府必须保证各个州在计算毕业率的时候使用相同的手段。

6.British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett announced the new popcy Wednesday in an address to parpament in London.英国外交大臣贝克特星期三在伦敦对议会发表讲话时宣布了这项新政策。

7.Margaret shone as one of the brighter pupils in her year, and was very soon put up a form.玛格丽特学习突出,在同年级学生中出类拔萃,很快就向上跳了一级。

8.Having bounced in and out of the room, Margaret finally came and knelt down on the floor beside him to see what he was doing.玛格丽特一直踱来踱去,象热锅上的蚂蚁。后来,她走到屋里蹲在地的旁边,看他在做什么。

9.Margaret took advantage of the time to turn out the drawers of her desk, tearing up pieces of paper in a nervous compulsion to do something.玛格利特利用这段时间,打开写字台的抽屉,把纸撕碎。她忐忑不安,下意识地干着各种事。

10.Armand understanding, decided to leave his mother an estate sale to pay off the debt owed Margaret.阿尔芒了解后,决定把母亲留给他的一笔遗产转让,以还清玛格丽特所欠下的债务。