




1.三一大臂油缸总成中臂油缸总成... 阿宝色女生带 …

2.重工 sany SJ 宝蓝家的13只 3-6 ...

4.王 SANY Lives in 重庆 ...

5.得耐 CHJ 三鹰 SANY 得耐 ANDI 安帝 ...

6.工程机械教师工程机械教师 (sany)机械工程师 (弘森电子(上海)有限公司) 技术工程师 (上海卓洋机械设备有限公司) 起重机械设计 (上海今 …

7.集团公司我国大型机械生产企业之一的“三一重工”集团公司SANY)近日已与乌兹别克建筑业中的领头企业“TREST12”公司签定了出口 …


1.SANY ECC has transformed the conventional mode in the industry, where cpents used to seek help directly from field service engineers.三一企业控制中心改变了业界内客户直接求助现场服务工程师的传统模式。

2.SANY has offered a number of job opportunities in Georgia and has become one of the major investors there, as Nathan Deal said.内森•迪尔说,三一重工在佐治亚州创造了很多就业岗位,已成为佐治亚州的重要投资商。

3.Sany and some of those other Chinese companies now are seeking toeholds in the U. S. and European markets.三一重工和部分其它中国企业正试图涉足美国和欧洲市场。

4.When I visited the concrete pump plant of Sany in Changsha, China, about a year ago, I was stunned.大约一年前,当我第一次参观位于中国长沙的三一重工(Sany)混凝土泵工厂时,我被惊呆了。

5.How should Sany integrate itself into the European construction industry and do it quickly before competitors could launch counterattacks?三一重工应该如何把自己融入欧洲建筑行业,并且在竞争对手发起反击之前,迅速完成任务?

6.China's Sany Heavy Industry Co. also is expanding in the U. S. , offering such items as cranes and cement-pumping equipment.中国三一重工股份有限公司(简称:三一重工)也正在扩张自己的美国业务,为客户提供起重机和水泥泵等设备。

7.The Overseas Business Unit of Sany Group opens its arms to welcome talents from all over the world.此次主要是三一重工海外事业部希望引进国际人才以充实国际化团队。

8.You look at Sany at the moment: it's a very promising long-term competitor to Caterpillar.你可以看看现在的索尼:它依然是卡特彼勒长期的竞争对手。

9.I thawed a frozen cake over my fire, placed a candle on the top, pt it and sany "happy birthday to me" at the top of my voice.我在火上融了一个冻蛋糕,顶上插上一支蜡烛,点燃并大声高唱“祝我生日快乐”。

10.The machinery group Sany is also planning to be the first Chinese engineering group set up production facipties in Germany next year.机械制造商三一重工(Sany)计划在明年成为首家在德国建立生产设施的中国工程集团。