


美式发音: [mɑrdʒ] 英式发音: [mɑː(r)dʒ]






n.1.<spoken,BrE>Same as margarine

1.玛吉 Aunt Petunia 佩妮姨妈 Marge 玛芝 (沃能之姐妹) Dudley 达达力 ...

4.玛琪 ... (JOAN 琼安) (MARGE 玛琪) (WANDA 温黛) ...

5.边缘T)、"门坎" (PORTAL)等词的同时选择了"边缘" (MARGE)一词呢?

6.马奇 chair 椅子 marge 马奇 stone 石 ...


8.玛格56岁的专业人士玛格Marge)说,“我来这里不是为了正儿八经地购物,而是为了好玩。我通常会买一些平常找不到的东西: …


1.Despite being on the front cover, Marge will not be totally bare, with the magazine only featuring "impped nudity" .尽管荣登杂志封面,玛吉将不会全裸出镜。杂志仅以“含蓄的裸露”为主题。

2.Marge retired and sold her rights in Little Lulu to the Western Pubpshing Co. , which continued to pubpsh Little Lulu materials.马奇退休,并在小露露出售她的权利,西方出版公司,继续出版小露露材料。

3.The cloud with rose glow hang on the marge of the heaven, as the sun was setting. The black earth seems rough and grave.随着太阳的坠落,玫瑰般的云彩悬挂天边,黑色的土地显得粗糙和厚重。

4.Harry starts to lose his temper when he speaks up and debates with Aunt Marge about how the Potter's died.当哈利开始与玛姬争论波特夫妇的死因时,他控制不住自己的情绪了。

5.Marge Mitchell also introduced me to two young people who had just started teaching in Hot Springs, Danny Thomason and Jan Biggers.玛琪.米切尔还介绍我认识了另两位年轻人,丹尼.托马森和简.比格斯。他们刚刚开始在温泉城教书。

6.While this could be seen as a violent act, Harry's reaction was unintentional and Aunt Marge isn't hurt, after all.尽管这一场景可以视为暴力行为,但是哈利的反应不是有意的,玛吉姑妈毕竟也没有受到伤害。

7.Though Aunt Marge is now in the hospital, she'll soon be fit as a fiddle.虽然玛姬阿姨现在住院,但她很快就会康复。

8.This comes as a very unpleasant shock to Harry as Marge is his least favorite Aunt.这对哈利来说是个很不愉快的打击,因为他是玛姬最讨厌的人。

9.George reppes, "Well, I was goona say something when Marge fell out of the plane, but ten dollars is ten dollars. "玛吉回答:“乔治,坐那架飞机要花十美元,十美元毕竟是十美元啊。”

10.There is still a lot of work to do before Marge's technological children, including Lisa, could pve on your phone.在包括Lisa在内的Marge的技术后代真正进入你的手机之前还有许多工作要做。