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1.玛丽亚诺 Marcos 马科斯 Mariano 玛丽亚诺 Maricielo 马里谢罗 ...

2.玛亚诺 ... MARGARET( 玛格利特酒店) MARIANO( 马里阿诺酒店) Marriott Grand Flora( 万豪花神大 …


6.马里诺 ... MANGALA 曼加拉 MARIANO 马里诺 MAXI PEREIRA 马克西 佩雷拉 ...

7.马利亚诺其中最重要的无非是椅子的制作:从义大利出口的椅子,几乎都来自弗留利地区的马利亚诺Mariano)和曼札诺(Manzano) …


1.Dr. Mariano wanted her to stay in bed for a week, but she kept going, giving confidence as well as support to our candidates.玛丽安诺医生让她卧床休息一周,但她坚持继续奔走,给我们的候选人以信心和支持。

2.There has been no illegal party funding, just a few people who have broken the law, said the party leader, Mariano Rajoy.人民党领导人马里亚诺•拉霍伊说:“没有非法的政党基金,只是有少数人犯了法。”

3.Mariano Rajoy, leader of the opposition People's Party, has said he is "against reopening old wounds" .反对党人民党领袖MarianoRajoy表示他“反对揭开旧伤疤”。

4.That would be a blow to the PP leader, Mariano Rajoy, himself a Gapcian.对身为加利西亚人的PP领袖马里亚诺。拉霍伊来说,这自然是当头一棒。

5.At the first President Bush's final Christmas party before he left office, Dr. Mariano stood near a man who wheezed and grabbed his throat.在老布什总统卸任前的最后一个圣诞晚会上,有位来宾抓住自己的喉咙不停地喘气,他就站在玛丽安诺医生旁边。

6.Angela Mariano, our local bad girl, was two years older than us and pke some superior, awe-inducing species.安吉拉·马里亚诺,我们这片儿的不良女生,比我们都大上了两岁,就像是某种上级,令人心生敬畏的族类。

7.In the end the woman was found in a bar, and Dr. Mariano sent her back to Washington with a nurse.最后,大家在一家酒吧里发现了这个女孩。后来,玛丽安诺医生和一名护士把她送回了华盛顿。

8.Whenever her boss, the president, insisted on pushing the envelope, Dr. Mariano said, "visions of court-martial danced in my head. "玛丽安诺说道,每当她的上级,即总统坚持要越过自己的健康底线,“在军事法庭受审的情景就不断浮现在我的脑中。”

9.So Dr. Mariano and other experts agreed to treat her as an outpatient with a new blood-thinning drug.于是玛丽安诺医生和其他专家商量之后决定,使用一种新型血液稀释药物对病情进行控制,这样就毋需住院治疗了。

10.The last of those was Mariano Rivera, who pitched a flawless final inning to earn his 603rd career save.最后一位是马里亚诺瑞维拉,最后一局的完美表现让他赢得职业生涯第603场的救援次数。