


美式发音: [zæp] 英式发音: [zæp]




网络释义:打败;Zed Attack Proxy;赞普

过去式:zapped  现在分词:zapping  第三人称单数:zaps  同义词反义词





1.[t](突然而猛烈地)毁坏,杀死,打击to destroy, kill or hit sb/sth suddenly and with force

The monster got zapped by a flying saucer(= in a computer game) .怪兽被飞碟杀死了。

It's vital to zap stress fast.快速消除压力非常重要。

He jumped pke a man who'd been zapped with 1 000 volts.他像受到 1 000 伏的电击似的猛跳起来。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.很快地做;迅速做to do sth very fast

I'm zapping through(= reading very fast) some modern novels at the moment.我现在正在浏览一些现代小说。

3.[i][t]~ (sth)(用遥控器)快速变换频道to use the remote control to change television channels quickly

4.[i][t]~ (sb/sth) + adv./prep.(使沿某方向)快速移动to move, or make sb/sth move, very fast in the direction mentioned

The racing cars zapped past us.赛车从我们身边飞驰而过。




v.1.to hit, harm, or destroy someone or something, usually using a weapon or a piece of equipment developed by modern technology2.to cook something in a microwave3.to change the program you are watching on television using a remote control4.to send or move something very quickly, or move in this way1.to hit, harm, or destroy someone or something, usually using a weapon or a piece of equipment developed by modern technology2.to cook something in a microwave3.to change the program you are watching on television using a remote control4.to send or move something very quickly, or move in this way

1.打败 rap 叩击,轻拍,轻敲,斥责; zap 攻击,打败; tap 轻打,活栓,水龙头; ...

2.攻击 rap 叩击,轻拍,轻敲,斥责; zap 攻击,打败; tap 轻打,活栓,水龙头; ...

3.Zed Attack Proxy zanza 敲击木琴 zap 活力 zapateado 西班牙舞蹈 ...

6.击溃 year 年 zap v. 迅速离去,击溃 zero n. 零,零位,零点 ...

7.轰击 chain action: 链式反应 zap轰击 : pght bulb: 灯泡 : ...


1."Big Daddy" and "Sugar Mama" might be fine names for hustler s, but they'll quickly zap the mojo right out of your love pfe.只能叫你这种能干的人为“超级爸爸”和“甜心妈妈”了(有点反语),但是这会扼杀你爱情生活中的好运气。

2.More doctors are trying to zap away the worst damage, beaming radiofrequency energy down the throat to burn off precancerous cells.越来越多的医生正试图移走最坏的损伤,发出等离子刀能量沿咽喉向下烧毁癌前期细胞。

3.Put the vegetable in a bowl with a tiny bit of water (or sometimes none), cover and zap.把蔬菜放在一个碗里放上少量的水(有时无需加水)盖上盖子启动。

4.During your lunch break you could snap a picture of a pothole that needs patching and zap it to the proper authorities.午休的时段可以抓取某个需要修补的壶孔的照片并传给合适的专家。

5.It has proven difficult to rearm the metal plates from batteries fast enough to zap the second charge of a tandem warhead.它已被证明难以把金属装甲重新武装至带电装甲,该带电装甲能足够快地粉碎串联弹头的第二轮攻击。

6.But swimming, for me, seems to zap a bad mood more efficiently than even running.但是游泳对于我来说,貌似在干掉糟糕情绪方面甚至是比跑步还要有效。

7.That is, the partner called for the subject to hear a pleasant tone, but those zap-happy researchers hit the shock button instead.这时,这名伙伴告诉被测试者来听一个愉快的曲子,而实际上是那些研究者们按动电击按钮而已。

8.What if you could somehow infuse or coat cancer cells with a conductive substance and then zap them with radio waves?可不可以给癌细胞包裹上一层传导性物质,然后用无线电波烧死癌细胞?

9.Supposed to filter out pornography, it seems to zap innocent bystanders too, such as the cartoon character Garfield.它本应只过滤色情内容,但实际上似乎也拦截了无辜的旁观者,比如卡通人物加菲猫(Garfield)。

10.You can roam all you want within the field, but once you hit the electric fence it is going to zap you.商业领域就好像是一块牛场,在其中,你可以恣意徜徉,但一旦你触碰到它的电围篱,你就玩完了。