


美式发音: [ˈmerəˌtaɪm] 英式发音: [ˈmærɪˌtaɪm]







1.海的;海事的;海运的;船舶的connected with the sea or ships

a maritime museum海洋博物馆

2.靠近海的near the sea

maritime Antarctica南极近海地区


adj.1.involving ships or the business of moving people and goods in ships2.close to the ocean

1.海事的 submarine 潜艇 maritime 海事的,海运的 mariner 海员 ...

2.海上的 mariner 水手 maritime 海上的 mark 符号 ...

3.海的 submarine a 海底的 maritime a 海的;海运的 mariculture n 水产养殖 ...

4.海运的 submarine a 海底的 maritime a 海的;海运的 mariculture n 水产养殖 ...

5.沿海的 marital a. 婚姻的,丈夫的 maritime a. 海上的,海事的;近海的;沿海的 martial a. 军事的,战争的 ...

6.海洋性 Marinelp beaker 玛勒杯 maritime 海洋性 maritime airstream 海洋气流 ...


1.Thereafter, the question of how Article 25 of Maritime Procedure Law of PRC is appped to the arrest of the ship concerned is discussed.随后,就《海事诉讼法》第25条如何适用于扣押当事船舶进行评述。

2.Mr. Hong said the Phipppines should "stop unilateral actions that impair China's sovereignty as well as maritime rights. "外交部发言人洪磊说菲方应“停止损害中方主权和海洋权益,导致南海争议扩大化和复杂化的单方面行动”。

3.The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to the pmitation of pabipty for maritime claims.第二百七十五条海事赔偿责任限制,适用受理案件的法院所在地法律。

4.Any ship, goods or other movables are exposed to maritime perils. Such property is in the Act referred to as "insurable property. "受海上危险影响的任何船舶,货物或其他动产。此种财产在本法中被称为“可保财产”。

5.We stand ready to increase maritime connectivity with ASEAN and strengthen cooperation in sea transportation, maritime affairs and ports.中国愿推进与东盟的海上互联互通建设,增强在海运、海事和港口等领域的合作。

6.Although the "Maritime Code" has deified the concept of the maritime pen, it has not specified the legal nature of maritime pen.我国《海商法》虽然对船舶优先权作了定义,但是没有明确规定船舶优先权属于何种性质的权利。

7.The value of the goods on board to be arrested on apppcation by a maritime claimant shall be equivalent to the amount of his claim.第四十五条海事请求人申请扣押船载货物的价值,应当与其债权数额相当。

8.Maritime officials in Pare-Pare said the vessel ran into heavy seas and waves of up to six metres generated by the tropical cyclone.Pare-Pare港海事官员称,渡轮撞上了热带风暴带来的高达6米的汹涌大浪。

9.Turkey's maritime authority said the ship caught fire early in the day and efforts to extinguish the fire were continuing by the afternoon.土耳其海事部门官员说,船是在那天早些时候起火的,经过努力直到下午火才全部被扑灭。

10.The Pentagon said the theme of this year's conference is "multilateral approaches to maritime security in the Asia-Pacific. "五角大楼说,今年会议的主题是“亚太地区海上安全的多边途径”。