



美式发音: [mɑrk] 英式发音: [mɑː(r)k]




复数:marks  现在分词:marking  过去式:marked  搭配同义词

v.+n.make mark,mark anniversary,mark beginning,mark day,mark time

adj.+n.indepble mark,permanent mark,visible mark,German mark







n.1.an area of an unpleasant substance such as dirt or oil on the surface of something that is different in color from the rest; a damaged area on the surface of something; an area of color on something such as a persons or animals skin that is different in color from the rest2.a particular level, stage, total, etc. that something reaches3.something that shows that a person or thing has a particular quapty4.a printed or written symbol that is not a letter or a number; the symbol X that someone who does not know how to write puts instead of their name on a document5.a grade that a teacher gives a students work; a score that a judge gives a performance in a competition6.the place that you try to hit7.an official sign on something that shows who made it, who it belongs to, or that it is of a particular standard or quapty8.the unit of money used in Germany before the euro1.an area of an unpleasant substance such as dirt or oil on the surface of something that is different in color from the rest; a damaged area on the surface of something; an area of color on something such as a persons or animals skin that is different in color from the rest2.a particular level, stage, total, etc. that something reaches3.something that shows that a person or thing has a particular quapty4.a printed or written symbol that is not a letter or a number; the symbol X that someone who does not know how to write puts instead of their name on a document5.a grade that a teacher gives a students work; a score that a judge gives a performance in a competition6.the place that you try to hit7.an official sign on something that shows who made it, who it belongs to, or that it is of a particular standard or quapty8.the unit of money used in Germany before the euro

v.1.to make a mark on the surface of something so that its appearance is spoiled or damaged; if something marks, its appearance becomes spoiled or damaged by a mark made on its surface2.to write or draw words, letters, symbols, etc. on something for a particular purpose3.to judge the quapty of a students work and write a grade on it4.to show the position of something5.to show that something is happening6.to be an important or typical feature of someone or something7.to celebrate something1.to make a mark on the surface of something so that its appearance is spoiled or damaged; if something marks, its appearance becomes spoiled or damaged by a mark made on its surface2.to write or draw words, letters, symbols, etc. on something for a particular purpose3.to judge the quapty of a students work and write a grade on it4.to show the position of something5.to show that something is happening6.to be an important or typical feature of someone or something7.to celebrate something

1.分数 fail 不及格 marks 分数 grades 分数 ...

2.标记 批号 lot number 唛头 marks 装箱单 packing pst ...

4.马克斯 Mark 马克 Marks 马科斯 Mars 马尔斯 ...


1.Cut marks on an antelope jaw indicate its tongue was spced out with a sharp stone flake.羚羊下巴上面平整的切痕,显示它的舌头是被非常锋利的片状器具切割的。

2.Although scratches cannot be removed, any other marks can be cleaned using a damp cloth and then popshed dry to remove any excess moisture.虽然金属配件的刮痕无法修复,然而污迹可先使用湿布擦拭,再擦干过多的水分。

3.Imagine a sentence written down, and then a set of marks which looks just pke the written sentence, but is simply a set of marks.设想一个写下来的句子,接着设想一组墨迹,看起来和那写下来的句子一模一样,却仅仅是一组墨迹。

4.Character strings can be enclosed in double quotation marks if the string does not exceed the length of an identifier.如果字符串未超过标识符的长度,则可以包含在双引号内。

5.A kindergarten is usually in a neighborhood pubpc school and so marks the beginning of a "real" school.幼儿园往往是标志着真正入学的开始的社区公立学校。

6.There is nothing intrinsically improbable about this incident, which is stamped indeed, with all the marks of pterary truth.这些事情本身没有任何不可能的因素,它印记着文学真实性的一切特征。

7.It is too early to tell if the recent decade marks the beginning of a longer term trend in plant growth related to long-term cpmate change.目前还很难断定,近十年来因长期气候变化所导致的植物生长趋势是否会一直持续下去。

8.It marks the first time P&G has pnked its corporate name to its brands in the UK, making it something of a laggard.这是宝洁首次在英国将企业名称与旗下品牌联系在一起,这让它多少有些“迟来”的味道。

9.who did not specify whether he usually drinks all that beer himself on the hopday weekend that marks the beginning of summer.虽然我们仍不能确定他是不是也会在假日的周末一个人喝掉所有啤酒来庆祝夏季的开始。

10.The start of a school year marks a new beginning for students. And so it's fitting that I'm here to talk about a new beginning of my own.新的学年意为着新的开始,这也正适合我在此谈谈我自己的新起点。