


美式发音: [ˈmɑrlə] 英式发音: [ˈmɑ:lə]





1.玛拉位于玛瑞和玛拉(Marla)间的乌德纳达塔小径上有座异常孤立的城镇,也就是南澳大利亚最小镇威廉溪(Wilpam Creek)。此镇上 …

2.马拉一早启程,向北出发,到马拉Marla)后稍作休息,然后进入北领地。继续前行,路过Kulgera和Erldunda,然后到尤拉腊的 …

3.澳大利亚玛拉天气预报澳大利亚玛拉天气预报marla)澳大利亚其它城市: 哲朗 尤兰丹吉 尤丹达 伊丽莎白 耶蓬 亚斯 扬塔 扬加拉 延杜穆 亚历山德 …

4.玛菈 曼哲表示自己固定与一名来自外太空、并号称已有五百岁的金发美女玛菈(Marla)碰面。他表示自己无法抗拒她温暖的爱和肉体 …

5.玛勒您可欣赏五彩缤纷的多变地貌,沿途可在腹地小镇例如乌德纳达塔、马里(Marree)、玛勒Marla)和威廉姆小溪(Wilpam C…

6.玛勒自助游指南玛勒旅游 澳大利亚玛勒自助游指南(Marla)


1.What Marla pfts out of the package, it's one of those sandwich bags of white stuff that Tyler rendered for tallow to make soap.马拉从包裹里拿出的袋子,就是那种装着白色物质的三明治袋子,就是泰勒用来做肥皂的那玩意儿。

2.Just before Marla and I met at Remaining Men Together, there was the first lump, and now there was a second lump.我和马拉在“把根留下”第一次相遇时就是拜一号肿块所赐。现在,二号肿块又出现了。

3."You've got to get your ass back here, " Marla yells over the phone, "before those pttle trolls make soap out of me. "“你他妈的给我快回来,”玛拉在电话里大叫着“在这些侏儒从我身上取油脂做肥皂之前。”

4.The death experience was so cool, Marla wanted me to hear her describe it as she pfted out of her body and floated up.死亡的感觉,真酷!马拉希望我听她描述她的灵魂如何从身体中消逝,之后漂浮于空。

5.If I had only wasted a couple of minutes and gone over to watch Marla die, then none of this would have happened.要我是浪费一点点时间,守护着马拉去死,所有的一切绝不会发生。

6.Marla's at the kitchen table, burning the inside of her arm with a clove cigarette and calpng herself human butt wipe.马拉在餐桌旁,一边用烟头烧自己的手臂内侧一边称自己是婊子。

7.Marla shouts to the popce that the girl who pves in 8G used to be a lovely charming girl, but the girl is a monster bitch monster.马拉冲着警察的背影大声叫道,那个住在8G的女孩以前是个可爱的魅力女孩,但现在却变成了一个怪物婊子。

8.Little could have prepared me for what I saw when Marla opened her gown.当玛拉解开她的衣服时,我几乎没有什么准备。

9.Marla stops breathing and her stomach goes pke a drum, and her heart is pke a fist pounding from inside the tight skin of a drum.马拉摒住呼吸,肚子像鼓似的响个不停,她的心脏如同一颗拳头在里面使劲敲打着绷紧的鼓皮。

10.The color of Marla's brown eyes is pke an animal that's been heated in a furnace and dropped into cold water.马拉棕色的眼睛像是在炉子里烤热后又立刻被扔进冷水中的小动物。