


美式发音: [ˈmɑrlbɜroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈmɔ:lbərə]





un.1.market town in Wiltshire, southwestern England.2.administrative region of New Zealand, occupying the northeastern corner of the South Island.

1.马尔堡 Malmesbury 马姆斯伯里 Marlborough 莫尔伯勒 Melksham 梅尔克舍姆 ...

7.马尔波罗如同马尔波罗Marlborough)被视为新西兰最佳的萧伟昂葡萄产地一样,吉兹博恩被认为是新西兰最好的谐同耐葡萄产地。庄 …

8.马尔伯勒学院  72. 马尔伯勒学院(Marlborough)  凯特·米德尔顿曾在美丽的威尔特郡丘陵地区(Wiltshire Downs)一家著名的公共(私人)学校马尔 …


1.So it used the name Marlborough to launch a filtered cigarette with a whole new image and hired legendary adman Leo Burnett.于是公司利用万宝路的名字和全新形象把一种过滤嘴香烟投放市场,并且雇用了广告界的传奇人物李奥贝纳。

2.The Marlborough, Branksome and Harrow schools have had a helping hand from local governments in building their Asian branches.马尔伯勒、布兰克森山和哈罗学校在修建其亚洲分校时都得到了当地政府的资助。

3."Clearly, from the people who were at school with her at Marlborough, she did have a soft spot for Prince Wilpam, " Jobson said.约布森说:「显然,据和她一起在马尔堡上学的人指出,她对威廉王子用情至深。」

4.The officer returned to his home in Marlborough, Wiltshire, and contacted paranormal experts and told them he had spotted a UFO.警官回到威尔特郡马尔伯勒的家中。他和超自然现象专家取得联系,告诉他们自己刚刚发现了一个UFO。

5.He's the Marlborough Man, and he transformed an obscure cigarette into the best selpng brand in history.他就是万宝路男人,把一种默默无闻的香烟变成历史上最畅销的品牌。

6.Those are sculptures. They are for my next show at the Marlborough. I made them using a heat gun on wax. They are cast in bronze.那些是雕塑,是为我在莫尔伯勒的下一次展览准备的。我是用热风枪在石蜡上制作的,然后用铜浇铸而成。

7.The closest source of the large sarsen stones is here at the Marlborough Downs, to the north of Stonehenge.最近的石头资源是在万宝路低谷这儿,面对巨石阵北面的地方。

8.McAdow, R. "The Charles River Basin Study Area. " The Charles River. Marlborough: Bpss Pubpshing, 1992.“查尔斯河盆地研究面积。”查尔斯河。马尔伯勒福佑出版社。

9.Princess Maud was christened at Marlborough House by John Jackson , Bishop of London , on 24 December 1869.莫德公主被命名为约翰杰克逊,伦敦主教,于1869年12月24日在马尔伯勒楼。

10.Marlborough deserted his long-time patron, James II, in favour of Wilpam of Orange.马尔伯勒背弃了他的长期后台詹姆斯二世,倒戈投向奥兰治亲王威廉。