




1.玛丽 ... ●最佳纪录片 The Imposter 雷鬼教父巴布马利 Marley ●最佳动画短片 Here to Fall ...

4.马莉 ... Minton 明顿 Marley 马莉 the Atlantic 《大西洋》月刊 ...

5.雷鬼耳机 Ferrari 法拉利 Marley 雷鬼耳机 MONSTER 魔声耳机 ...


1.As he started to turn the key he looked at the door-knocker. He saw, not a knocker, but Marley's face.他正要开门时,他看见的不是门环,而是马礼的脸。

2.'We are sure that you are just as kind as dear Mr Marley was. 'said the gentleman, handing some papers to Scrooge.“我们去确信你就像亲爱的马礼先生一样善良。”绅士说道,并把手中的纸递给了史高基。

3.And Marley does more than just doggy paddle, this golden retriever loves to dive and swim right to the bottom of this seven-foot pool.马莉会的可不只是狗刨式游泳,这只金色的寻回犬还喜欢潜水,可以直游到这个深七英尺深水池的底部。

4.Artifacts include the shell of a Volkswagen van that Marley used to sell his records and a bed he slept on.马利曾经用来卖自己专辑的大众汽车车壳,马利曾经睡过的床,这些都成了文物。

5.Eight year old Amber is a pttle young to be a fan of Friends, but she knew Aniston from the movie Marley and Me.才八岁大的小琥珀还太小,没机会成为《老友记》粉,不过她是从《马力和我》里认识安妮斯顿的。

6.Still, Marley was a strong candidate, and the book describes his quapfications with hilarity and affection.马利很适合当选,而且这本书以欢愉爱慕之情描述他的资格。

7.At least I've got a new name for my next protagonist Marley, a gabby girl who knows her way around but good.至少,我已经为我的下一个主人公取了一个新名字??马莉,一个能说会道熟知人情世故的女孩。

8.When John Grogan and his wife traveled to Ireland, they left behind the third member of the family: Marley, their Labrador retriever.当约翰.格兰甘和他的妻子去爱尔兰旅行时他们把家庭中的第三个成员——马利(拉布拉多寻回犬)留在了家里。

9."Marley and Me" tenderly follows its subject from sunrise to sunset, from the ball-of-fluff stage to the heartbreaking farewell.《我和马利》含情脉脉地跟踪它的主人公,从日出到日落,从软毛球的时期到令人心碎的告别。

10.Though the book is full of tail-thumping enthusiasm, there comes a time when Marley just can't shred the furniture any more.尽管整本书充满着啪啪甩打尾巴的热情,马利不再有力气撕碎家具的时候最终还是到来了。