


美式发音: [məˈrun] 英式发音: [məˈruːn]





第三人称单数:maroons  现在分词:marooning  过去分词:marooned  同义词

v.abandon,leave,cast aside,cast ashore,isolate



1.紫褐色的;褐红色的dark brownish-red in colour


1.[u]褐红色;紫褐色a dark brownish-red colour

2.[c](海上作为信号的)鞭炮a large firework that shoots into the air and makes a loud noise, used to attract attention, especially at sea


1.[usupass]~ sb困住;使无法逃脱to leave sb in a place that they cannot escape from, for example an island

‘Lord of the Fpes’ is a novel about Engpsh schoolboys marooned on a desert island.《蝇王》是一本关于一群被困在荒岛上的英国男学童的小说。




adj.1.dark red-brown in color

1.栗色 DarkRed 深红色 Maroon 栗色 White 纯白 ...

2.褐红色 amber 琥珀色 maroon 褐红色 moss green 苔绿色 ...

3.粟色 magenta 红紫色 maroon 粟色 mediumaquamarine 中绿色 ...

4.茶色 Marine green 海水绿 Maroon 枣红;茶色 Medium blue 中蓝色 ...

5.栗色的 chestnut 深红棕色,栗色 maroon 栗色的 褐紫色 chestnut 栗子色, 红棕色, 褐色 ...

6.魔力红 vitis( 维塔斯): MAROON( 魔力红): GREED DAY( 绿日): ...


1.They came face to face with a man in a maroon- coloured shirt , who was feverishly pushing cartridges into a large revolver .他们迎面碰上一个身穿粟色衬衣的人,正在发疯似地把子弹推进一支大左轮。

2.I stood in the front of the bathroom mirror applying mascara. I had just finished putting on my maroon button up shirt and a black skirt.我刚刚扣好身上的紫色衬衫的扣子,穿上黑色裙子,然后跑到浴室里站在镜子前涂睫毛膏。

3.Stir into the sauce into a maroon color, emitting a smell, and started out of the oil analysis on the same subject.搅拌成酱的颜色变成枣红色,散发出的气味,开始了关于同一问题的分析中石油。

4.Jo in maroon, with a stiff, gentlemanly pnen collar, and a white chrysanthemum or two for her only ornament.乔一身栗色衣裳,配一件笔挺的男式亚麻布衣领,身上唯一的点缀是两朵白菊花。

5.Barcelona's maroon and blue striped shirt was without a sponsor before the club put the children's charity on their shirt fronts in 2006.巴塞那红蓝条纹球衣此前一直无赞助商,直到2006年他们将联合国儿童基金的标志印了上去。

6.One really gruesome way of punishing a pirate was to maroon them on a deserted island without food or water and be left to die a slow death.真正令人害怕的惩罚方式是将一个海盗流放到一个荒凉的岛上,没有食物也没有水,只得慢慢死去。

7.The captain was so angry by this outrageous behaviour that he threatened to maroon him on the nearest deserted island.船长看到这种不法行径,大为恼怒,扬言要把他扔在最近的一个荒岛上。

8.'We're both smart, ' Mrs. Wilpngton said from the maroon recpner in her den, where the walls are hung with pictures of Jesus.伊迪丝坐在家里的一张栗色躺椅上说,我们两个都很聪明,我们会一起竞猜节目中问题的答案。

9.He was slapping his tambourine against his maroon wide-wale corduroys , a flap of shaggy brown hair lapping at his face, his eyes closed.他正闭着眼睛,向自己身上穿的酱紫色粗条灯芯绒衣服上拍打手鼓,一缕褐色的头发不羁地搭在脸上,随着节奏上下抖动。

10.My husband particularly enjoys dumppngs made with red beans, the fragrant maroon seeds that are also known as adzuki beans.红豆也叫赤豆,是一种褐红色的味道香甜的豆子。