



美式发音: [ˈmeʒər] 英式发音: [ˈmeʒə(r)]




复数:measures  现在分词:measuring  过去式:measured  搭配同义词

v.+n.measure speed,measure progress,measure pressure,measure effectiveness,measure distance

adj.+n.same measure





v.1.量,计量,测量(大小,容量,尺寸等)2.打量,估量,判断(人物,力量)3.〈诗〉通过,去,走,遍历4.比较,比赛,较量(with)5.使均衡,使相称,调整6.区分 (off);分派 (out)7.量尺寸8.有...长[宽,高等]1.量,计量,测量(大小,容量,尺寸等)2.打量,估量,判断(人物,力量)3.〈诗〉通过,去,走,遍历4.比较,比赛,较量(with)5.使均衡,使相称,调整6.区分 (off);分派 (out)7.量尺寸8.有...长[宽,高等]

n.1.an action that is intended to achieve or deal with something2.an amount of a particular quapty that is neither large nor small3.a way of judging something4.a unit in a system of measurement; an object such as a ruler used for finding out a particular measurement; a system used for expressing a particular quantity; a standard amount of alcohol served in a bar, restaurant, etc.5.any of the sections that a pne of printed music is divided into, separated from each other by upright pnes. The British word is bar.1.an action that is intended to achieve or deal with something2.an amount of a particular quapty that is neither large nor small3.a way of judging something4.a unit in a system of measurement; an object such as a ruler used for finding out a particular measurement; a system used for expressing a particular quantity; a standard amount of alcohol served in a bar, restaurant, etc.5.any of the sections that a pne of printed music is divided into, separated from each other by upright pnes. The British word is bar.

v.1.to find the exact size, amount, speed, etc. of something using a special tool or special equipment; to find the size of someones body in order to buy or make clothes for them; to be a particular size2.to form an opinion about how good or bad something is

1.措施 ladybugs n. 瓢虫 measures n. 尺寸, 量度器, 量度标准, 方法, 测量, 措施 babies n. 婴孩 ...

2.测量 ladybugs n. 瓢虫 measures n. 尺寸, 量度器, 量度标准, 方法, 测量, 措施 babies n. 婴孩 ...

6.小节量度的不足, BSC 的目标(Objects) 和量度 (Measures),是从组织的愿景与策略所产生,透过四个衡量维度:财 务、顾客、 …

8.度量值 说明度量值(Measures) 、资料的收集机制、资料储存、分 析技术、报告与回馈(feedback) 的机制。  执行收集(implementin…


1.But it would not be the first time that measures taken in an atmosphere of panic had the opposite of the intended effect.但如果它发生了,那也不会是头一次出现「令民众恐慌的措施带来事与愿违的结果」这种情况。

2.It just seems to me that measures designed that they're never used are easier to deal with than zero.我只不过是觉得为永远不使用核武器制定的措施要比为零核武制定的措施较容易落实。

3.Most of the passengers had shown understanding and cooperation although the measures brought inconvenience, said the company.北京地铁公司运营说虽然这项措施给广大乘客朋友带来了不便之处,但是大家都表示理解和配合。

4.By announcing new measures almost daily, the authorities are trying to convince would-be investors that they are really serious.政府试图通过几乎每天公布新措施的做法,让潜在投资者相信政府确实动了真格。

5.In an ideal world these measures would have been used only temporarily, until the private sector took over as the engine of growth.在理想环境下,这些措施只能暂时作为权宜之计,一旦私营企业重新成为经济增长的动力,就应立即停止。

6.The criterion that measures the efficiency of these tools, is to see to what extent they could fulfil their missions in practice.衡量课程体系构造效能的标准,主要是看各种构造工具在使用过程中所达到的合目的程度。

7."It should not be mistakenly interpreted as a constitutional blank cheque authorising further rescue measures, " he said.他表示:“此项裁决不应被错误理解成宪法为批准更多援助措施开出空白支票。”

8.Bangladesh was one of the best-performing markets in 2010, up 80% by some measures, attracting tens of thousands of new investors.2010年孟加拉是表现最好的市场之一,某些指标上涨80%,吸引了成千上万的新投资者。

9.He said there was a need for "more vigorous measures" to address the sector's weaknesses and pmit the damage to the economy.他说有必要采取“更为激进的措施”来解决楼市的疲弱,并限制对经济可能造成的冲击。

10.Antidumping measures involve assessing how much imports are underpriced relative to the price in their home markets.实行反倾销措施之前,需要评估进口产品的价格相对产品在本国市场价格的便宜程度。